Max Peintner 0fcdfe460c
feat(console): integrate app (#7417)
* docs, frameworks view

* project select, integrate app page

* fix search project autocomplete

* framework autocomplete

* framwork select component, integrate, mapping to oidc config

* param

* fix route handler

* setname projectid context

* app-create page without context

* show description of app type, info section

* redirects section

* updatevalue observable

* fix redirect uris section

* i18n

* setup config

* backbutton behavior, cleanup

* cleanup

* lint

* allow other framework jump off

* dev mode warning

* navigate to project

* rm import

* i18n, guide link

* edit name dialog

* show warning for duplicate name
2024-02-28 16:52:21 +00:00

33 lines
943 B

/* To learn more about this file see: https://angular.io/config/tsconfig. */
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