# Version of the configuration file version: 6.0.0 # Icarus theme variant, can be "default" or "cyberpunk" variant: default # Path or URL to the website's logo logo: /avatar.jpg # Page metadata configurations head: # URL or path to the website's icon favicon: /avatar.jpg # Web application manifests configuration # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Manifest manifest: # Name of the web application (default to the site title) name: # The displayed name of the web application # when there is not enough space to display full name short_name: # The start URL of the web application start_url: # The default theme color for the application theme_color: # A placeholder background color for the application page to display # before its stylesheet is loaded background_color: # The preferred display mode for the website display: standalone # Image files that can serve as application icons for different contexts icons: - # The path to the image file src: '' # A string containing space-separated image dimensions sizes: '' # A hint as to the media type of the image type: # Open Graph metadata # https://hexo.io/docs/helpers.html#open-graph open_graph: # Page title (og:title) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time title: # Page type (og:type) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time type: blog # Page URL (og:url) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time url: # Page cover (og:image) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time image: # Site name (og:site_name) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time site_name: # Page author (article:author) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time author: # Page description (og:description) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time description: # Twitter card type (twitter:card) twitter_card: # Twitter ID (twitter:creator) twitter_id: # Twitter Site (twitter:site) twitter_site: # Google+ profile link (deprecated) google_plus: # Facebook admin ID fb_admins: # Facebook App ID fb_app_id: # Structured data of the page # https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/intro-structured-data structured_data: # Page title (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time title: # Page description (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time description: # Page URL (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time url: # Page author (article:author) (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time author: # Page publisher (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time publisher: # Page publisher logo (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time publisher_logo: # Page images (optional) # You should leave this blank for most of the time image: # Additional HTML meta tags in an array meta: # Meta tag specified in = style # E.g., name=theme-color;content=#123456 => - '' # URL or path to the website's RSS atom.xml rss: # Page top navigation bar configurations navbar: # Navigation menu items menu: 首页: / 文章: /archives 分类: /categories 标签: /tags 关于: /about # Links to be shown on the right of the navigation bar links: # Download on GitHub: # icon: fab fa-github # url: https://github.com/ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus # Page footer configurations footer: # Copyright text copyright: '服务可用状态 萌ICP备20210066号
VENI VIDI VICI ' # Links to be shown on the right of the footer section links: # Creative Commons: # icon: fab fa-creative-commons # url: https://creativecommons.org/ # Attribution 4.0 International: # icon: fab fa-creative-commons-by # url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ # Download on GitHub: # icon: fab fa-github # url: https://github.com/ppoffice/hexo-theme-icarus # Article related configurations article: # Code highlight settings highlight: # Code highlight themes # https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/tree/master/src/styles theme: atom-one-light # Show copy code button clipboard: true # Default folding status of the code blocks. Can be "", "folded", "unfolded" fold: unfolded # Whether to show estimated article reading time readtime: true # Whether to show updated time. For "auto", shows article update time only when page.updated is set and it is different from page.date update_time: true # Article licensing block licenses: # Creative Commons: # icon: fab fa-creative-commons # url: https://creativecommons.org/ # Attribution: # icon: fab fa-creative-commons-by # url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ # Noncommercial: # icon: fab fa-creative-commons-nc # url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ # Search plugin configurations # https://ppoffice.github.io/hexo-theme-icarus/categories/Plugins/Search/ search: type: insight # Whether to include pages in the search results index_pages: true # Comment plugin configurations # https://ppoffice.github.io/hexo-theme-icarus/categories/Plugins/Comment/ comment: type: twikoo env_id: https://twikoo.vicicode.com # Donate plugin configurations # https://ppoffice.github.io/hexo-theme-icarus/categories/Plugins/Donation/ # donates: # # "Afdian.net" donate button configurations # - # type: afdian # # URL to the "Afdian.net" personal page # url: '' # # Alipay donate button configurations # - # type: alipay # # Alipay qrcode image URL # qrcode: '' # # "Buy me a coffee" donate button configurations # - # type: buymeacoffee # # URL to the "Buy me a coffee" page # url: '' # # Patreon donate button configurations # - # type: patreon # # URL to the Patreon page # url: '' # # Paypal donate button configurations # - # type: paypal # # Paypal business ID or email address # business: '' # # Currency code # currency_code: USD # # Wechat donate button configurations # - # type: wechat # # Wechat qrcode image URL # qrcode: '' # Share plugin configurations # https://ppoffice.github.io/hexo-theme-icarus/categories/Plugins/Share/ # share: # type: sharethis # # URL to the ShareThis share plugin script # install_url: '' # Sidebar configurations. # Please be noted that a sidebar is only visible when it has at least one widget sidebar: # Left sidebar configurations left: # Whether the sidebar sticks to the top when page scrolls sticky: false # Right sidebar configurations right: # Whether the sidebar sticks to the top when page scrolls sticky: false # Sidebar widget configurations # http://ppoffice.github.io/hexo-theme-icarus/categories/Widgets/ widgets: # Profile widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: profile # Author name author: Silent YANG # Author title author_title: 「我不吃牛肉」 # Author's current location location: China # URL or path to the avatar image avatar: /avatar.jpg # Whether show the rounded avatar image avatar_rounded: false # Email address for the Gravatar gravatar: # URL or path for the follow button follow_link: # Links to be shown on the bottom of the profile widget social_links: Git: icon: fab fa-git-alt url: https://git.vicicode.com/yang Email: icon: fas fa-envelope url: mailto:yang@vicicode.com DN42: icon: fas fa-ethernet url: https://explorer.dn42.dev/#/AS4242420706 CALL SIGN: icon: fas fa-broadcast-tower url: https://www.qrz.com/db/BD8DFN RSS: icon: fas fa-rss url: /atom.xml # Table of contents widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: toc # Whether to show the index of each heading index: true # Whether to collapse sub-headings when they are out-of-view collapsed: true # Maximum level of headings to show (1-6) depth: 3 # Recommendation links widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: links # Names and URLs of the sites links: 沐小晨曦: http://omooo.top 昌维: https://changwei.me 无邪: https://wuxiexie.github.io Yuhang Song: https://yhscode.com # Categories widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: categories # Recent posts widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: recent_posts # Archives widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: archives # Tags widget configurations - # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar position: left type: tags # How to order tags. For example 'name' to order by name in ascending order, and '-length' to order by number of posts in each tags in descending order order_by: name # Amount of tags to show. Will show all if not set. amount: # Whether to show tags count, i.e. number of posts in the tag. show_count: true # Google FeedBurner email subscription widget configurations # - # # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar # position: left # type: subscribe_email # # Hint text under the email input # description: # # Feedburner ID # feedburner_id: '' # Google AdSense unit configurations # - # # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar # position: left # type: adsense # # AdSense client ID # client_id: 'ca-pub-3673486713413138' # # AdSense AD unit ID # slot_id: '' # Follow.it email subscription widget configurations # - # # Where should the widget be placed, left sidebar or right sidebar # position: left # type: followit # # Hint text under the email input # description: # # Subscription form action URL # action_url: '' # # Feed claiming verification code # verification_code: '' # Plugin configurations # https://ppoffice.github.io/hexo-theme-icarus/categories/Plugins/ plugins: # Enable page startup animations animejs: true # Show the "back to top" button back_to_top: true # Baidu Analytics plugin settings # https://tongji.baidu.com baidu_analytics: # Baidu Analytics tracking ID tracking_id: # Bing Webmaster Tools plugin settings # https://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster/ bing_webmaster: # Bing Webmaster Tools tracking ID in the tag tracking_id: # BuSuanZi site/page view counter # https://busuanzi.ibruce.info busuanzi: false # CNZZ statistics # https://www.umeng.com/web cnzz: # CNZZ tracker id id: # CNZZ website id web_id: # Alerting users about the use of cookies # https://www.osano.com/cookieconsent/ cookie_consent: # The compliance type. Can be "info", "opt-in", or "opt-out" type: info # Theme of the popup. Can be "block", "edgeless", or "classic" theme: edgeless # Whether the popup should stay static regardless of the page scrolls static: false # Where on the screen the consent popup should display position: bottom-left # URL to your site's cookie policy policyLink: https://www.cookiesandyou.com/ # Enable the lightGallery and Justified Gallery plugins gallery: true # Google Analytics plugin settings # https://analytics.google.com google_analytics: # Google Analytics tracking ID tracking_id: # Hotjar user feedback plugin # https://www.hotjar.com/ hotjar: # Hotjar site id site_id: # Enable the KaTeX math typesetting support # https://katex.org/ katex: false # Enable the MathJax math typesetting support # https://www.mathjax.org/ mathjax: false # Enable the Outdated Browser plugin # http://outdatedbrowser.com/ outdated_browser: false # Show a progress bar at top of the page on page loading progressbar: true # Statcounter statistics # https://statcounter.com/ statcounter: # Statcounter project id project: # Statcounter project security code security: # Twitter conversion tracking plugin settings # https://business.twitter.com/en/help/campaign-measurement-and-analytics/conversion-tracking-for-websites.html twitter_conversion_tracking: # Twitter Pixel ID pixel_id: # CDN provider settings # https://ppoffice.github.io/hexo-theme-icarus/Configuration/Theme/speed-up-your-site-with-custom-cdn/ providers: # Name or URL template of the JavaScript and/or stylesheet CDN provider cdn: jsdelivr # Name or URL template of the webfont CDN provider fontcdn: google # Name or URL of the fontawesome icon font CDN provider iconcdn: fontawesome