2024-04-28 15:36:34 +00:00
import { e as me , ag as we , _ as ye } from "./index.55662615.js" ; /* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ /* empty css */ import { d as Ce , r as Ee , o as _e , aZ as be , bS as Be , bO as Ae , b2 as Se , bN as Fe , bH as Te , C as V , D as j , aI as E , aH as b , aM as M , G , u as Ie , aN as q , a _ as jt , a$ as qt , aK as nt , aJ as ot , aE as rt , n as Gt , bb as Pe , bk as De , bR as Ne , b7 as Me , bi as Re , bT as Ue , bF as Le , bI as ve , bM as ke , bm as Ve , bn as xe } from "./arco.93f0afda.js" ; import { e as ht , g as Qt , h as I , b as D , s as Oe } from "./serial.bad97c4e.js" ; import { u as He } from "./loading.fe99eb42.js" ; import { B as ze } from "./index.b449f454.js" ; import "./chart.c383733a.js" ; import "./vue.ded74ca2.js" ; var W = { } , Je = function ( ) { return typeof Promise == "function" && Promise . prototype && Promise . prototype . then } , te = { } , L = { } ; let At ; const Ye = [ 0 , 26 , 44 , 70 , 100 , 134 , 172 , 196 , 242 , 292 , 346 , 404 , 466 , 532 , 581 , 655 , 733 , 815 , 901 , 991 , 1085 , 1156 , 1258 , 1364 , 1474 , 1588 , 1706 , 1828 , 1921 , 2051 , 2185 , 2323 , 2465 , 2611 , 2761 , 2876 , 3034 , 3196 , 3362 , 3532 , 3706 ] ; L . getSymbolSize = function ( n ) { if ( ! n ) throw new Error ( '"version" cannot be null or undefined' ) ; if ( n < 1 || n > 40 ) throw new Error ( '"version" should be in range from 1 to 40' ) ; return n * 4 + 17 } ; L . getSymbolTotalCodewords = function ( n ) { return Ye [ n ] } ; L . getBCHDigit = function ( o ) { let n = 0 ; for ( ; o !== 0 ; ) n ++ , o >>>= 1 ; return n } ; L . setToSJISFunction = function ( n ) { if ( typeof n != "function" ) throw new Error ( '"toSJISFunc" is not a valid function.' ) ; At = n } ; L . isKanjiModeEnabled = function ( ) { return typeof At < "u" } ; L . toSJIS = function ( n ) { return At ( n ) } ; var lt = { } ; ( function ( o ) { o . L = { bit : 1 } , o . M = { bit : 0 } , o . Q = { bit : 3 } , o . H = { bit : 2 } ; function n ( i ) { if ( typeof i != "string" ) throw new Error ( "Param is not a string" ) ; switch ( i . toLowerCase ( ) ) { case "l" : case "low" : return o . L ; case "m" : case "medium" : return o . M ; case "q" : case "quartile" : return o . Q ; case "h" : case "high" : return o . H ; default : throw new Error ( "Unknown EC Level: " + i ) } } o . isValid = function ( e ) { return e && typeof e . bit < "u" && e . bit >= 0 && e . bit < 4 } , o . from = function ( e , t ) { if ( o . isValid ( e ) ) return e ; try { return n ( e ) } catch { return t } } } ) ( lt ) ; function ee ( ) { this . buffer = [ ] , this . length = 0 } ee . prototype = { get : function ( o ) { const n = Math . floor ( o / 8 ) ; return ( this . buffer [ n ] >>> 7 - o % 8 & 1 ) === 1 } , put : function ( o , n ) { for ( let i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ) this . putBit ( ( o >>> n - i - 1 & 1 ) === 1 ) } , getLengthInBits : function ( ) { return this . length } , putBit : function ( o ) { const n = Math . floor ( this . length / 8 ) ; this . buffer . length <= n && this . buffer . push ( 0 ) , o && ( this . buffer [ n ] |= 128 >>> this . length % 8 ) , this . length ++ } } ; var Ke = ee ; function X ( o ) { if ( ! o || o < 1 ) throw new Error ( "BitMatrix size must be defined and greater than 0" ) ; this . size = o , this . data = new Uint8Array ( o * o ) , this . reservedBit = new Uint8Array ( o * o ) } X . prototype . set = function ( o , n , i , e ) { const t = o * this . size + n ; this . data [ t ] = i , e && ( this . reservedBit [ t ] = ! 0 ) } ; X . prototype . get = function ( o , n ) { return this . data [ o * this . size + n ] } ; X . prototype . xor = function ( o , n , i ) { this . data [ o * this . size + n ] ^= i } ; X . prototype . isReserved = function ( o , n ) { return this . reservedBit [ o * this . size + n ] } ; var $e = X , ne = { } ; ( function ( o ) { const n = L . getSymbolSize ; o . getRowColCoords = function ( e ) { if ( e === 1 ) return [ ] ; const t = Math . floor ( e / 7 ) + 2 , r = n ( e ) , a = r === 145 ? 26 : Math . ceil ( ( r - 13 ) / ( 2 * t - 2 ) ) * 2 , u = [ r - 7 ] ; for ( let s = 1 ; s < t - 1 ; s ++ ) u [ s ] = u [ s - 1 ] - a ; return u . push ( 6 ) , u . reverse ( ) } , o . getPositions = function ( e ) { const t = [ ] , r = o . getRowColCoords ( e ) , a = r . length ; for ( let u = 0 ; u < a ; u ++ ) for ( let s = 0 ; s < a ; s ++ ) u === 0 && s === 0 || u === 0 && s === a - 1 || u === a - 1 && s === 0 || t . push ( [ r [ u ] , r [ s ] ] ) ; return t } } ) ( ne ) ; var oe = { } ; const je = L . getSymbolSize , Zt = 7 ; oe . getPositions = function ( n ) { const i = je ( n ) ; return [ [ 0 , 0 ] , [ i - Zt , 0 ] , [ 0 , i - Zt ] ] } ; var re = { } ; ( function ( o ) { o . Patterns = { PATTERN000 : 0 , PATTERN001 : 1 , PATTERN010 : 2 , PATTERN011 : 3 , PATTERN100 : 4 , PATTERN101 : 5 , PATTERN110 : 6 , PATTERN111 : 7 } ; const n = { N1 : 3 , N2 : 3 , N3 : 40 , N4 : 10 } ; o . isValid = function ( t ) { return t != null && t !== "" && ! isNaN ( t ) && t >= 0 && t <= 7 } , o . from = function ( t ) { return o . isValid ( t ) ? parseInt ( t , 10 ) : void 0 } , o . getPenaltyN1 = function ( t ) { const r = t . size ; let a = 0 , u = 0 , s = 0 , h = null , p = null ; for ( let S = 0 ; S < r ; S ++ ) { u = s = 0 , h = p = null ; for ( let C = 0 ; C < r ; C ++ ) { let w = t . get ( S , C ) ; w === h ? u ++ :
2024-02-25 08:43:43 +00:00
] ) ) + ` ;v.KANJI=new RegExp(Z,"g");v.BYTE_KANJI=new RegExp("[^A-Z0-9 $ %*+ \\ -./:]+","g");v.BYTE=new RegExp(Qe,"g");v.NUMERIC=new RegExp(ue,"g");v.ALPHANUMERIC=new RegExp(Ge,"g");const Ze=new RegExp("^"+Z+" $ "),We=new RegExp("^"+ue+" $ "),Xe=new RegExp("^[A-Z0-9 $ %*+ \\ -./:]+ $ ");v.testKanji=function(n){return Ze.test(n)};v.testNumeric=function(n){return We.test(n)};v.testAlphanumeric=function(n){return Xe.test(n)};(function(o){const n=Ft,i=v;o.NUMERIC={id:"Numeric",bit:1<<0,ccBits:[10,12,14]},o.ALPHANUMERIC={id:"Alphanumeric",bit:1<<1,ccBits:[9,11,13]},o.BYTE={id:"Byte",bit:1<<2,ccBits:[8,16,16]},o.KANJI={id:"Kanji",bit:1<<3,ccBits:[8,10,12]},o.MIXED={bit:-1},o.getCharCountIndicator=function(r,a){if(!r.ccBits)throw new Error("Invalid mode: "+r);if(!n.isValid(a))throw new Error("Invalid version: "+a);return a>=1&&a<10?r.ccBits[0]:a<27?r.ccBits[1]:r.ccBits[2]},o.getBestModeForData=function(r){return i.testNumeric(r)?o.NUMERIC:i.testAlphanumeric(r)?o.ALPHANUMERIC:i.testKanji(r)?o.KANJI:o.BYTE},o.toString=function(r){if(r&&r.id)return r.id;throw new Error("Invalid mode")},o.isValid=function(r){return r&&r.bit&&r.ccBits};function e(t){if(typeof t!="string")throw new Error("Param is not a string");switch(t.toLowerCase()){case"numeric":return o.NUMERIC;case"alphanumeric":return o.ALPHANUMERIC;case"kanji":return o.KANJI;case"byte":return o.BYTE;default:throw new Error("Unknown mode: "+t)}}o.from=function(r,a){if(o.isValid(r))return r;try{return e(r)}catch{return a}}})(O);(function(o){const n=L,i=ct,e=lt,t=O,r=Ft,a=1<<12|1<<11|1<<10|1<<9|1<<8|1<<5|1<<2|1<<0,u=n.getBCHDigit(a);function s(C,w,_){for(let f=1;f<=40;f++)if(w<=o.getCapacity(f,_,C))return f}function h(C,w){return t.getCharCountIndicator(C,w)+4}function p(C,w){let _=0;return C.forEach(function(f){const d=h(f.mode,w);_+=d+f.getBitsLength()}),_}function S(C,w){for(let _=1;_<=40;_++)if(p(C,_)<=o.getCapacity(_,w,t.MIXED))return _}o.from=function(w,_){return r.isValid(w)?parseInt(w,10):_},o.getCapacity=function(w,_,f){if(!r.isValid(w))throw new Error("Invalid QR Code version");typeof f>"u"&&(f=t.BYTE);const d=n.getSymbolTotalCodewords(w),l=i.getTotalCodewordsCount(w,_),g=(d-l)*8;if(f===t.MIXED)return g;const c=g-h(f,w);switch(f){case t.NUMERIC:return Math.floor(c/10*3);case t.ALPHANUMERIC:return Math.floor(c/11*2);case t.KANJI:return Math.floor(c/13);case t.BYTE:default:return Math.floor(c/8)}},o.getBestVersionForData=function(w,_){let f;const d=e.from(_,e.M);if(Array.isArray(w)){if(w.length>1)return S(w,d);if(w.length===0)return 1;f=w[0]}else f=w;return s(f.mode,f.getLength(),d)},o.getEncodedBits=function(w){if(!r.isValid(w)||w<7)throw new Error("Invalid QR Code version");let _=w<<12;for(;n.getBCHDigit(_)-u>=0;)_^=a<<n.getBCHDigit(_)-u;return w<<12|_}})(se);var le={};const Et=L,ce=1<<10|1<<8|1<<5|1<<4|1<<2|1<<1|1<<0,tn=1<<14|1<<12|1<<10|1<<4|1<<1,Wt=Et.getBCHDigit(ce);le.getEncodedBits=function(n,i){const e=n.bit<<3|i;let t=e<<10;for(;Et.getBCHDigit(t)-Wt>=0;)t^=ce<<Et.getBCHDigit(t)-Wt;return(e<<10|t)^tn};var de={};const en=O;function J(o){this.mode=en.NUMERIC,this.data=o.toString()}J.getBitsLength=function(n){return 10*Math.floor(n/3)+(n%3?n%3*3+1:0)};J.prototype.getLength=function(){return this.data.length};J.prototype.getBitsLength=function(){return J.getBitsLength(this.data.length)};J.prototype.write=function(n){let i,e,t;for(i=0;i+3<=this.data.length;i+=3)e=this.data.substr(i,3),t=parseInt(e,10),n.put(t,10);const r=this.data.length-i;r>0&&(e=this.data.substr(i),t=parseInt(e,10),n.put(t,r*3+1))};var nn=J;const on=O,pt=["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"," "," $ ","%","*","+","-",".","/",":"];function Y(o){this.mode=on.ALPHANUMERIC,this.data=o}Y.getBitsLength=function(n){return 11*Math.floor(n/2)+6*(n%2)};Y.prototype.getLength=function(){return this.data.length};Y.prototype.getBitsLength=function(){return Y.getBitsLength(this.data.length)};Y.prototype.write=function(n){let i;for(i=0;i+2<=this.data.length;i+=2){let e=pt.indexOf(this.data[i])*45;e+=pt.indexOf(this.data[i+1]),
2024-04-14 16:52:14 +00:00
Make sure your charset is UTF - 8 ` );i=(i>>>8&255)*192+(i&255),o.put(i,13)}};var fn= $ ,fe={exports:{}};(function(o){var n={single_source_shortest_paths:function(i,e,t){var r={},a={};a[e]=0;var u=n.PriorityQueue.make();u.push(e,0);for(var s,h,p,S,C,w,_,f,d;!u.empty();){s=u.pop(),h=s.value,S=s.cost,C=i[h]||{};for(p in C)C.hasOwnProperty(p)&&(w=C[p],_=S+w,f=a[p],d=typeof a[p]>"u",(d||f>_)&&(a[p]=_,u.push(p,_),r[p]=h))}if(typeof t<"u"&&typeof a[t]>"u"){var l=["Could not find a path from ",e," to ",t,"."].join("");throw new Error(l)}return r},extract_shortest_path_from_predecessor_list:function(i,e){for(var t=[],r=e;r;)t.push(r),i[r],r=i[r];return t.reverse(),t},find_path:function(i,e,t){var r=n.single_source_shortest_paths(i,e,t);return n.extract_shortest_path_from_predecessor_list(r,t)},PriorityQueue:{make:function(i){var e=n.PriorityQueue,t={},r;i=i||{};for(r in e)e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(t[r]=e[r]);return t.queue=[],t.sorter=i.sorter||e.default_sorter,t},default_sorter:function(i,e){return i.cost-e.cost},push:function(i,e){var t={value:i,cost:e};this.queue.push(t),this.queue.sort(this.sorter)},pop:function(){return this.queue.shift()},empty:function(){return this.queue.length===0}}};o.exports=n})(fe);(function(o){const n=O,i=nn,e=rn,t=ln,r=fn,a=v,u=L,s=fe.exports;function h(l){return unescape(encodeURIComponent(l)).length}function p(l,g,c){const m=[];let A;for(;(A=l.exec(c))!==null;)m.push({data:A[0],index:A.index,mode:g,length:A[0].length});return m}function S(l){const g=p(a.NUMERIC,n.NUMERIC,l),c=p(a.ALPHANUMERIC,n.ALPHANUMERIC,l);let m,A;return u.isKanjiModeEnabled()?(m=p(a.BYTE,n.BYTE,l),A=p(a.KANJI,n.KANJI,l)):(m=p(a.BYTE_KANJI,n.BYTE,l),A=[]),g.concat(c,m,A).sort(function(F,T){return F.index-T.index}).map(function(F){return{data:F.data,mode:F.mode,length:F.length}})}function C(l,g){switch(g){case n.NUMERIC:return i.getBitsLength(l);case n.ALPHANUMERIC:return e.getBitsLength(l);case n.KANJI:return r.getBitsLength(l);case n.BYTE:return t.getBitsLength(l)}}function w(l){return l.reduce(function(g,c){const m=g.length-1>=0?g[g.length-1]:null;return m&&m.mode===c.mode?(g[g.length-1].data+=c.data,g):(g.push(c),g)},[])}function _(l){const g=[];for(let c=0;c<l.length;c++){const m=l[c];switch(m.mode){case n.NUMERIC:g.push([m,{data:m.data,mode:n.ALPHANUMERIC,length:m.length},{data:m.data,mode:n.BYTE,length:m.length}]);break;case n.ALPHANUMERIC:g.push([m,{data:m.data,mode:n.BYTE,length:m.length}]);break;case n.KANJI:g.push([m,{data:m.data,mode:n.BYTE,length:h(m.data)}]);break;case n.BYTE:g.push([{data:m.data,mode:n.BYTE,length:h(m.data)}])}}return g}function f(l,g){const c={},m={start:{}};let A=["start"];for(let B=0;B<l.length;B++){const F=l[B],T=[];for(let N=0;N<F.length;N++){const R=F[N],k=""+B+N;T.push(k),c[k]={node:R,lastCount:0},m[k]={};for(let H=0;H<A.length;H++){const U=A[H];c[U]&&c[U].node.mode===R.mode?(m[U][k]=C(c[U].lastCount+R.length,R.mode)-C(c[U].lastCount,R.mode),c[U].lastCount+=R.length):(c[U]&&(c[U].lastCount=R.length),m[U][k]=C(R.length,R.mode)+4+n.getCharCountIndicator(R.mode,g))}}A=T}for(let B=0;B<A.length;B++)m[A[B]].end=0;return{map:m,table:c}}function d(l,g){let c;const m=n.getBestModeForData(l);if(c=n.from(g,m),c!==n.BYTE&&c.bit<m.bit)throw new Error('"'+l+'" cannot be encoded with mode '+n.toString(c)+ ` .
2024-02-25 08:43:43 +00:00
Suggested mode is : ` +n.toString(m));switch(c===n.KANJI&&!u.isKanjiModeEnabled()&&(c=n.BYTE),c){case n.NUMERIC:return new i(l);case n.ALPHANUMERIC:return new e(l);case n.KANJI:return new r(l);case n.BYTE:return new t(l)}}o.fromArray=function(g){return g.reduce(function(c,m){return typeof m=="string"?c.push(d(m,null)):m.data&&c.push(d(m.data,m.mode)),c},[])},o.fromString=function(g,c){const m=S(g,u.isKanjiModeEnabled()),A=_(m),B=f(A,c),F=s.find_path(B.map,"start","end"),T=[];for(let N=1;N<F.length-1;N++)T.push(B.table[F[N]].node);return o.fromArray(w(T))},o.rawSplit=function(g){return o.fromArray(S(g,u.isKanjiModeEnabled()))}})(de);const ft=L,mt=lt,gn=Ke,hn= $ e,pn=ne,mn=oe,_t=re,bt=ct,wn=qe,ut=se,yn=le,Cn=O,wt=de;function En(o,n){const i=o.size,e=mn.getPositions(n);for(let t=0;t<e.length;t++){const r=e[t][0],a=e[t][1];for(let u=-1;u<=7;u++)if(!(r+u<=-1||i<=r+u))for(let s=-1;s<=7;s++)a+s<=-1||i<=a+s||(u>=0&&u<=6&&(s===0||s===6)||s>=0&&s<=6&&(u===0||u===6)||u>=2&&u<=4&&s>=2&&s<=4?o.set(r+u,a+s,!0,!0):o.set(r+u,a+s,!1,!0))}}function _n(o){const n=o.size;for(let i=8;i<n-8;i++){const e=i%2===0;o.set(i,6,e,!0),o.set(6,i,e,!0)}}function bn(o,n){const i=pn.getPositions(n);for(let e=0;e<i.length;e++){const t=i[e][0],r=i[e][1];for(let a=-2;a<=2;a++)for(let u=-2;u<=2;u++)a===-2||a===2||u===-2||u===2||a===0&&u===0?o.set(t+a,r+u,!0,!0):o.set(t+a,r+u,!1,!0)}}function Bn(o,n){const i=o.size,e=ut.getEncodedBits(n);let t,r,a;for(let u=0;u<18;u++)t=Math.floor(u/3),r=u%3+i-8-3,a=(e>>u&1)===1,o.set(t,r,a,!0),o.set(r,t,a,!0)}function yt(o,n,i){const e=o.size,t=yn.getEncodedBits(n,i);let r,a;for(r=0;r<15;r++)a=(t>>r&1)===1,r<6?o.set(r,8,a,!0):r<8?o.set(r+1,8,a,!0):o.set(e-15+r,8,a,!0),r<8?o.set(8,e-r-1,a,!0):r<9?o.set(8,15-r-1+1,a,!0):o.set(8,15-r-1,a,!0);o.set(e-8,8,1,!0)}function An(o,n){const i=o.size;let e=-1,t=i-1,r=7,a=0;for(let u=i-1;u>0;u-=2)for(u===6&&u--;;){for(let s=0;s<2;s++)if(!o.isReserved(t,u-s)){let h=!1;a<n.length&&(h=(n[a]>>>r&1)===1),o.set(t,u-s,h),r--,r===-1&&(a++,r=7)}if(t+=e,t<0||i<=t){t-=e,e=-e;break}}}function Sn(o,n,i){const e=new gn;i.forEach(function(s){e.put(s.mode.bit,4),e.put(s.getLength(),Cn.getCharCountIndicator(s.mode,o)),s.write(e)});const t=ft.getSymbolTotalCodewords(o),r=bt.getTotalCodewordsCount(o,n),a=(t-r)*8;for(e.getLengthInBits()+4<=a&&e.put(0,4);e.getLengthInBits()%8!==0;)e.putBit(0);const u=(a-e.getLengthInBits())/8;for(let s=0;s<u;s++)e.put(s%2?17:236,8);return Fn(e,o,n)}function Fn(o,n,i){const e=ft.getSymbolTotalCodewords(n),t=bt.getTotalCodewordsCount(n,i),r=e-t,a=bt.getBlocksCount(n,i),u=e%a,s=a-u,h=Math.floor(e/a),p=Math.floor(r/a),S=p+1,C=h-p,w=new wn(C);let _=0;const f=new Array(a),d=new Array(a);let l=0;const g=new Uint8Array(o.buffer);for(let F=0;F<a;F++){const T=F<s?p:S;f[F]=g.slice(_,_+T),d[F]=w.encode(f[F]),_+=T,l=Math.max(l,T)}const c=new Uint8Array(e);let m=0,A,B;for(A=0;A<l;A++)for(B=0;B<a;B++)A<f[B].length&&(c[m++]=f[B][A]);for(A=0;A<C;A++)for(B=0;B<a;B++)c[m++]=d[B][A];return c}function Tn(o,n,i,e){let t;if(Array.isArray(o))t=wt.fromArray(o);else if(typeof o=="string"){let h=n;if(!h){const p=wt.rawSplit(o);h=ut.getBestVersionForData(p,i)}t=wt.fromString(o,h||40)}else throw new Error("Invalid data");const r=ut.getBestVersionForData(t,i);if(!r)throw new Error("The amount of data is too big to be stored in a QR Code");if(!n)n=r;else if(n<r)throw new Error( `
The chosen QR Code version cannot contain this amount of data .
Minimum version required to store current data is : ` +r+ ` .
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2024-04-28 13:26:15 +00:00
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