 * @file     vio.c
 * @brief    Virtual I/O implementation template
 * @version  V1.0.0
 * @date     23. March 2020
 * Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "cmsis_vio.h"

#include "RTE_Components.h"             // Component selection
#include CMSIS_device_header

#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT || !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user includes here:


// VIO input, output definitions
#define VIO_PRINT_MAX_SIZE      64U     // maximum size of print memory
#define VIO_PRINTMEM_NUM         4U     // number of print memories
#define VIO_VALUE_NUM            3U     // number of values
#define VIO_VALUEXYZ_NUM         3U     // number of XYZ values
#define VIO_IPV4_ADDRESS_NUM     2U     // number of IPv4 addresses
#define VIO_IPV6_ADDRESS_NUM     2U     // number of IPv6 addresses

// VIO input, output variables
__USED uint32_t      vioSignalIn;                                       // Memory for incoming signal
__USED uint32_t      vioSignalOut;                                      // Memory for outgoing signal
__USED char          vioPrintMem[VIO_PRINTMEM_NUM][VIO_PRINT_MAX_SIZE]; // Memory for the last value for each level
__USED int32_t       vioValue   [VIO_VALUE_NUM];                        // Memory for value used in vioGetValue/vioSetValue
__USED vioValueXYZ_t vioValueXYZ[VIO_VALUEXYZ_NUM];                     // Memory for XYZ value for 3-D vector
__USED vioAddrIPv4_t vioAddrIPv4[VIO_IPV4_ADDRESS_NUM];                 // Memory for IPv4 address value used in vioSetIPv4/vioGetIPv4
__USED vioAddrIPv6_t vioAddrIPv6[VIO_IPV6_ADDRESS_NUM];                 // Memory for IPv6 address value used in vioSetIPv6/vioGetIPv6

#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add global user types, variables, functions here:


#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add global user types, variables, functions here:


// Initialize test input, output.
void vioInit (void) {
#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user variables here:

#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user variables here:


  vioSignalIn  = 0U;
  vioSignalOut = 0U;

  memset (vioPrintMem, 0, sizeof(vioPrintMem));
  memset (vioValue,    0, sizeof(vioValue));
  memset (vioValueXYZ, 0, sizeof(vioValueXYZ));
  memset (vioAddrIPv4, 0, sizeof(vioAddrIPv4));
  memset (vioAddrIPv6, 0, sizeof(vioAddrIPv6));

#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user code here:


#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user code here:


// Print formated string to test terminal.
int32_t vioPrint (uint32_t level, const char *format, ...) {
  va_list args;
  int32_t ret;
#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user variables here:


  if (level > vioLevelError) {
    return (-1);

  if (level > VIO_PRINTMEM_NUM) {
    return (-1);

  va_start(args, format);

  ret = vsnprintf((char *)vioPrintMem[level], sizeof(vioPrintMem[level]), format, args);


#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user code here:


  return (ret);

// Set signal output.
void vioSetSignal (uint32_t mask, uint32_t signal) {
#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user variables here:


  vioSignalOut &= ~mask;
  vioSignalOut |=  mask & signal;

#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user code here:


// Get signal input.
uint32_t vioGetSignal (uint32_t mask) {
  uint32_t signal;
#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user variables here:


#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user code here:

//   vioSignalIn = ...;

  signal = vioSignalIn;

  return (signal & mask);

// Set value output.
void vioSetValue (uint32_t id, int32_t value) {
  uint32_t index = id;
#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user variables here:


  if (index >= VIO_VALUE_NUM) {
    return;                             /* return in case of out-of-range index */

  vioValue[index] = value;

#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user code here:


// Get value input.
int32_t vioGetValue (uint32_t id) {
  uint32_t index = id;
  int32_t  value = 0;
#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user variables here:


  if (index >= VIO_VALUE_NUM) {
    return value;                       /* return default in case of out-of-range index */

#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user code here:

//   vioValue[index] = ...;

  value = vioValue[index];

  return value;

// Set XYZ value output.
void vioSetXYZ (uint32_t id, vioValueXYZ_t valueXYZ) {
  uint32_t index = id;
#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user variables here:


  if (index >= VIO_VALUEXYZ_NUM) {
    return;                             /* return in case of out-of-range index */

  vioValueXYZ[index] = valueXYZ;

#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user code here:


// Get XYZ value input.
vioValueXYZ_t vioGetXYZ (uint32_t id) {
  uint32_t index = id;
  vioValueXYZ_t valueXYZ = {0, 0, 0};
#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user variables here:


  if (index >= VIO_VALUEXYZ_NUM) {
    return valueXYZ;                    /* return default in case of out-of-range index */

#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user code here:

//   vioValueXYZ[index] = ...;

  valueXYZ = vioValueXYZ[index];

  return valueXYZ;

// Set IPv4 address output.
void vioSetIPv4 (uint32_t id, vioAddrIPv4_t addrIPv4) {
  uint32_t index = id;
#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user variables here:


  if (index >= VIO_IPV4_ADDRESS_NUM) {
    return;                             /* return in case of out-of-range index */

  vioAddrIPv4[index] = addrIPv4;

#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user code here:


// Get IPv4 address input.
vioAddrIPv4_t vioGetIPv4 (uint32_t id) {
  uint32_t index = id;
  vioAddrIPv4_t addrIPv4 = {0U, 0U, 0U, 0U};
#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user variables here:


  if (index >= VIO_IPV4_ADDRESS_NUM) {
    return addrIPv4;                    /* return default in case of out-of-range index */

#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user code here:

//   vioAddrIPv4[index] = ...;

  addrIPv4 = vioAddrIPv4[index];

  return addrIPv4;

// Set IPv6 address output.
void vioSetIPv6 (uint32_t id, vioAddrIPv6_t addrIPv6) {
  uint32_t index = id;
#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user variables here:


  if (index >= VIO_IPV6_ADDRESS_NUM) {
    return;                             /* return in case of out-of-range index */

  vioAddrIPv6[index] = addrIPv6;

#if !defined CMSIS_VOUT
// Add user code here:


// Get IPv6 address input.
vioAddrIPv6_t vioGetIPv6 (uint32_t id) {
  uint32_t index = id;
  vioAddrIPv6_t addrIPv6 = {0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U,
                            0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U};
#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user variables here:


  if (index >= VIO_IPV6_ADDRESS_NUM) {
    return addrIPv6;                    /* return default in case of out-of-range index */

#if !defined CMSIS_VIN
// Add user code here:

//   vioAddrIPv6[index] = ...;

  addrIPv6 = vioAddrIPv6[index];

  return addrIPv6;