/* Copyright 2023 Dual Tachyon * https://github.com/DualTachyon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <string.h> #include "driver/st7565.h" #include "external/printf/printf.h" #include "font.h" #include "ui/helper.h" #include "ui/inputbox.h" #include "misc.h" #include "chinese.h" #ifndef ARRAY_SIZE #define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr)/sizeof((arr)[0])) #endif #define IS_BIT_SET(byte, bit) ((byte>>bit) & (1)) uint8_t menu_set_flag = 0; void set_bit(uint8_t *value, uint8_t bit_position, uint8_t bit_value) { if (bit_value == 0) { *value = *value & ~(1 << bit_position); // ��ָ��λ����Ϊ 0 } else { *value = *value | (1 << bit_position); // ��ָ��λ����Ϊ 1 } } uint8_t is_chn(uint8_t num) { if (num >= 1 && num < 10)return num - 1; else if (num > 10 && num < 32)return num - 2; else if (num > 126 && num <= 218)return num - 97; else return 255; } void UI_GenerateChannelString(char *pString, const uint8_t Channel) { unsigned int i; if (gInputBoxIndex == 0) { sprintf(pString, "CH-%02u", Channel + 1); return; } pString[0] = 'C'; pString[1] = 'H'; pString[2] = '-'; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) pString[i + 3] = (gInputBox[i] == 10) ? '-' : gInputBox[i] + '0'; } void UI_GenerateChannelStringEx(char *pString, const bool bShowPrefix, const uint8_t ChannelNumber) { if (gInputBoxIndex > 0) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) pString[i] = (gInputBox[i] == 10) ? '-' : gInputBox[i] + '0'; return; } if (bShowPrefix) sprintf(pString, "CH-%03u", ChannelNumber + 1); else if (ChannelNumber == 0xFF) strcpy(pString, "NULL"); else sprintf(pString, "%03u", ChannelNumber + 1); } // Example usage: // UI_PrintChar('A', 0, 0, 16); // Example usage: // UI_PrintChar('A', 0, 0, 8); void UI_PrintCharSmall(char character, uint8_t Start, uint8_t Line) { const uint8_t char_width = ARRAY_SIZE(gFontSmall[0]); // Calculate the position for the character uint8_t *pFb = gFrameBuffer[Line] + Start + (char_width + 1) / 2; // Display the character if it's a printable character if (character > ' ') { const unsigned int index = (unsigned int)character - ' ' - 1; if (index < ARRAY_SIZE(gFontSmall)) { memmove(pFb, &gFontSmall[index], char_width); } } } void UI_PrintStringSmall(const char *pString, uint8_t Start, uint8_t End, uint8_t Line) { uint8_t Length = strlen(pString); if (menu_set_flag == 1) { Length = Length > 7 ? 7 : Length; menu_set_flag = 0; } size_t i; uint8_t sum_pixel = 0; uint8_t chn_flag[Length]; for (size_t j = 0; j < Length; j++) { chn_flag[j] = is_chn(pString[j]); if (chn_flag[j] == 255&&pString[j]!='\n'&&pString[j]!='\0')sum_pixel += 7; else if(chn_flag[j] != 255)sum_pixel += 12; } if (End > Start) Start += (((End - Start) - (sum_pixel)) + 1) / 2; // if(Start+sum_pixel>=128)Start=128-sum_pixel; uint8_t *pFb = gFrameBuffer[Line] + Start; uint8_t *pFb1 = gFrameBuffer[Line + 1] + Start; uint8_t now_pixel = 0; for (i = 0; i < Length; i++) { if (chn_flag[i] == 255) { if (pString[i] > ' ') { const unsigned int index = (unsigned int) pString[i] - ' ' - 1; if (index < ARRAY_SIZE(gFontSmall)) { memmove(pFb + now_pixel + 1, &gFontSmall[index], 6); } now_pixel += 7; } else if(pString[i] == ' ') now_pixel += 7; } else { uint8_t bit_cnt = 0; uint8_t cntt = 0; uint8_t gFontChinese[22] = {0}; for (int j = 0; j < 110; j++) { if (IS_BIT_SET(gFontChinese_out[(j + chn_flag[i] * 110) / 8], (j + chn_flag[i] * 110) % 8)) set_bit(&gFontChinese[cntt], bit_cnt, 1); bit_cnt++; if ((bit_cnt == 8 && cntt < 11) || (bit_cnt == 2 && cntt >= 11)) { bit_cnt = 0; cntt++; } } memmove(pFb + now_pixel + 1, &gFontChinese[0], 11); memmove(pFb1 + now_pixel + 1, &gFontChinese[11], 11); // memmove(gFrameBuffer[Line + 0] + Start, &gFontChinese[0], 11); // memmove(gFrameBuffer[Line + 1] + Start, &gFontChinese[11], 11); now_pixel += 12; } } } #ifdef ENABLE_SMALL_BOLD void UI_PrintStringSmallBold(const char *pString, uint8_t Start, uint8_t End, uint8_t Line) { const size_t Length = strlen(pString); size_t i; if (End > Start) Start += (((End - Start) - (Length * 8)) + 1) / 2; const unsigned int char_width = ARRAY_SIZE(gFontSmallBold[0]); const unsigned int char_spacing = char_width + 1; uint8_t *pFb = gFrameBuffer[Line] + Start; for (i = 0; i < Length; i++) { if (pString[i] > ' ') { const unsigned int index = (unsigned int)pString[i] - ' ' - 1; if (index < ARRAY_SIZE(gFontSmallBold)) memmove(pFb + (i * char_spacing) + 1, &gFontSmallBold[index], char_width); } } } #endif void UI_PrintStringSmallBuffer(const char *pString, uint8_t *buffer) { size_t i; const unsigned int char_width = ARRAY_SIZE(gFontSmall[0]); for (i = 0; i < strlen(pString); i++) { if (pString[i] > ' ') { const unsigned int index = (unsigned int) pString[i] - ' ' - 1; if (index < ARRAY_SIZE(gFontSmall)) memmove(buffer + (i * (char_width + 1)) + 1, &gFontSmall[index], char_width); } } } void UI_DisplayFrequency(const char *string, uint8_t X, uint8_t Y, bool center) { const unsigned int char_width = 13; uint8_t *pFb0 = gFrameBuffer[Y] + X; uint8_t *pFb1 = pFb0 + 128; bool bCanDisplay = false; uint8_t len = strlen(string); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = string[i]; if (c == '-') c = '9' + 1; if (bCanDisplay || c != ' ') { bCanDisplay = true; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9' + 1) { memcpy(pFb0 + 2, gFontBigDigits[c - '0'], char_width - 3); memcpy(pFb1 + 2, gFontBigDigits[c - '0'] + char_width - 3, char_width - 3); } else if (c == '.') { *pFb1 = 0x60; pFb0++; pFb1++; *pFb1 = 0x60; pFb0++; pFb1++; *pFb1 = 0x60; pFb0++; pFb1++; continue; } } else if (center) { pFb0 -= 6; pFb1 -= 6; } pFb0 += char_width; pFb1 += char_width; } } void UI_DrawPixelBuffer(uint8_t (*buffer)[128], uint8_t x, uint8_t y, bool black) { if(black) buffer[y/8][x] |= 1 << (y%8); else buffer[y/8][x] &= ~(1 << (y%8)); } void UI_DisplayPopup(const char *string) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) { memset(gFrameBuffer[i], 0x00, 128); } // for(uint8_t i = 1; i < 5; i++) { // memset(gFrameBuffer[i]+8, 0x00, 111); // } // for(uint8_t x = 10; x < 118; x++) { // UI_DrawPixel(x, 10, true); // UI_DrawPixel(x, 46-9, true); // } // for(uint8_t y = 11; y < 37; y++) { // UI_DrawPixel(10, y, true); // UI_DrawPixel(117, y, true); // } // DrawRectangle(9,9, 118,38, true); UI_PrintStringSmall(string, 9, 118, 2); //按EXIT键 UI_PrintStringSmall(按EXIT键, 9, 118, 6); }