/* Copyright 2023 Dual Tachyon * https://github.com/DualTachyon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> // abs() #include "bitmaps.h" #include "driver/uart.h" #include "app/dtmf.h" #include "app/menu.h" #include "board.h" #include "dcs.h" #include "driver/backlight.h" #include "driver/bk4819.h" #include "driver/st7565.h" #include "external/printf/printf.h" #include "frequencies.h" #include "helper/battery.h" #include "misc.h" #include "settings.h" #include "ui/helper.h" #include "ui/inputbox.h" #include "ui/menu.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "chinese.h" const t_menu_item MenuList[] = { // text, voice ID, menu ID {/*"Step",*/ VOICE_ID_FREQUENCY_STEP, MENU_STEP ,步进频率}, {/*"RxDCS",*/ VOICE_ID_DCS, MENU_R_DCS ,接收数字亚音}, // was "R_DCS" {/*"RxCTCS",*/ VOICE_ID_CTCSS, MENU_R_CTCS ,接收模拟亚音}, // was "R_CTCS" {/*"TxDCS",*/ VOICE_ID_DCS, MENU_T_DCS ,发送数字亚音}, // was "T_DCS" {/*"TxCTCS",*/ VOICE_ID_CTCSS, MENU_T_CTCS ,发送模拟亚音}, // was "T_CTCS" {/*"TxODir",*/ VOICE_ID_TX_OFFSET_FREQUENCY_DIRECTION, MENU_SFT_D ,频差方向}, // was "SFT_D" {/*"TxOffs",*/ VOICE_ID_TX_OFFSET_FREQUENCY, MENU_OFFSET ,频差频率}, // was "OFFSET" {/*"Scramb",*/ VOICE_ID_SCRAMBLER_ON, MENU_SCR ,加密}, // was "SCR" {/*"BusyCL",*/ VOICE_ID_BUSY_LOCKOUT, MENU_BCL ,遇忙禁发}, // was "BCL" {/*"Compnd",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_COMPAND ,压扩}, {/*"ChSave",*/ VOICE_ID_MEMORY_CHANNEL, MENU_MEM_CH ,存置信道}, // was "MEM-CH" {/*"ChDele",*/ VOICE_ID_DELETE_CHANNEL, MENU_DEL_CH ,删除信道}, // was "DEL-CH" {/*"ChName",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_MEM_NAME ,命名信道}, {/*"SList",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_S_LIST ,信道扫描列表}, {/*"SList1",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_SLIST1 ,扫描列表1}, {/*"SList2",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_SLIST2 ,扫描列表2}, {/*"ScnRev",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_SC_REV ,搜索恢复模式}, {/*"TxTOut",*/ VOICE_ID_TRANSMIT_OVER_TIME, MENU_TOT ,发送超时}, // was "TOT" {/*"BatSav",*/ VOICE_ID_SAVE_MODE, MENU_SAVE ,省电模式}, // was "SAVE" {/*"Mic",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_MIC ,麦克风增益}, {/*"ChDisp",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_MDF ,信道显示模式}, // was "MDF" // {/*"POnMsg",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_PONMSG ,开机显示}, {/*"BackLt",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_ABR ,自动背光}, // was "ABR" {/*"BLMax",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_ABR_MAX ,背光亮度}, {/*"MDCID",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_MDC_ID ,MDC_ID}, {/*"Roger",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_ROGER ,首尾音}, {/*"STE",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_STE ,尾音消除}, {/*"RP STE",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_RP_STE ,过中继尾音消除}, {/*"1 Call",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_1_CALL ,按键即呼}, #ifdef ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING {/*"ANI ID",*/ VOICE_ID_ANI_CODE, MENU_ANI_ID ,DTMF_ID}, #endif {/*"UPCode",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_UPCODE ,DTMF上线码}, {/*"DWCode",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_DWCODE ,DTMF下线码}, {/*"PTT ID",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_PTT_ID ,DTMF发送}, {/*"D ST",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_D_ST ,DTMF侧音}, #ifdef ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING {/*"D Resp",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_D_RSP ,DTMF响应}, {/*"D Hold",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_D_HOLD ,DTMF复位}, #endif {/*"D Prel",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_D_PRE ,DTMF预载波}, #ifdef ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING {/*"D List",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_D_LIST ,DTMF联系人}, #endif {/*"D Live",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_D_LIVE_DEC ,DTMF显示}, // live DTMF decoder #ifdef ENABLE_AM_FIX//1 {/*"AM Fix",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_AM_FIX ,AM自动增益}, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_AM_FIX_TEST1//0 {/*"AM FT1",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_AM_FIX_TEST1 ,""}, #endif {/*"RxMode",*/ VOICE_ID_DUAL_STANDBY, MENU_TDR ,收发模式}, {/*"Sql",*/ VOICE_ID_SQUELCH, MENU_SQL ,静噪等级}, // hidden menu items from here on // enabled if pressing both the PTT and upper side button at power-on {/*"F Lock",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_F_LOCK ,频段解锁}, // {/*"Tx 200",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_200TX ,两百M发射}, // was "200TX" // {/*"Tx 350",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_350TX ,三百五十M发射}, // was "350TX" // {/*"Tx 500",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_500TX ,五百M发射}, // was "500TX" // {/*"350 En",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_350EN ,三百五十M接收}, // was "350EN" #ifdef ENABLE_F_CAL_MENU//0 {/*"FrCali",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_F_CALI ,""}, // reference xtal calibration #endif {/*"BatCal",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_BATCAL ,电池调压}, // battery voltage calibration {/*"BatTyp",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, MENU_BATTYP ,电池大小}, // battery type 1600/2200mAh {/*"Reset",*/ VOICE_ID_INITIALISATION, MENU_RESET ,参数复位}, // might be better to move this to the hidden menu items ? // {/*"",*/ VOICE_ID_INVALID, 0xff ,"\x00"} // end of list - DO NOT delete or move this this }; const uint8_t FIRST_HIDDEN_MENU_ITEM = MENU_F_LOCK; const char gSubMenu_SFT_D[][10] =//4 { // "OFF", // "+", // "-" 发送等于接收, 发送等于接收加偏移, 发送等于接收减偏移 }; const char gSubMenu_OFF_ON[][3] =//4 { // "OFF", // "ON" 关闭, 开启 }; const char gSubMenu_SAVE[][4] =//4 { // "OFF", // "1:1", // "1:2", // "1:3", // "1:4" 关闭, 一级, 二级, 三级, 四级 }; const char gSubMenu_TOT[][5] = //7 { // "30 sec", // "1 min", // "2 min", // "3 min", // "4 min", // "5 min", // "6 min", // "7 min", // "8 min", // "9 min", // "15 min" 三十秒 , 一分 , 两分, 三分 , 四分 , 五分 , 六分 , 七分 , 八分 , 九分 , 十五分 }; const char *gSubMenu_RXMode[] = { // "MAIN\nONLY", // TX and RX on main only // "DUAL RX\nRESPOND", // Watch both and respond // "CROSS\nBAND", // TX on main, RX on secondary // "MAIN TX\nDUAL RX" // always TX on main, but RX on both 主信道接收发射, // TX and RX on main only 双信道接收, // Watch both and respond 主信道发射副信道接收, // TX on main, RX on secondary 主信道发射双信道接收 // always TX on main, but RX on both }; #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE const char gSubMenu_VOICE[][4] = { "OFF", "CHI", "ENG" }; #endif const char gSubMenu_SC_REV[][10] =//8 { // "TIMEOUT", // "CARRIER", // "STOP" 遇信号5秒后搜索 , 信号停止后搜索 , 遇信号后停止搜索 }; const char *gSubMenu_MDF[] = { // "FREQ", // "CHANNEL\nNUMBER", // "NAME", // "NAME\n+\nFREQ" 频率, 信道号, 名称, 名称加频率 }; #ifdef ENABLE_ALARM const char gSubMenu_AL_MOD[][5] = { "SITE", "TONE" }; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING const char gSubMenu_D_RSP[][10] =//11 { // "DO\nNOTHING", // "RING", // "REPLY", // "BOTH" 不响应, 本地响铃, 回复响应, 本地响铃回复响应 }; #endif const char *gSubMenu_PTT_ID[] = { // "OFF", // "UP CODE", // "DOWN CODE", // "UP+DOWN\nCODE", // "APOLLO\nQUINDAR" 不发送, 上线码, 下线码, 上线加下线码, Quindar码 }; const char gSubMenu_ROGER[][13] = { // "OFF", // "ROGER", // "MDC" 关闭, ROGER尾音, MDC尾音, MDC首音, MDC首尾音, MDC首音加ROGER }; const char gSubMenu_RESET[][6] =//4 { // "VFO", // "ALL" 除信道参数, 全部参数 }; const char *gSubMenu_F_LOCK[] = { "DEFAULT+\n137-174\n400-470", "FCC HAM\n144-148\n420-450", "CE HAM\n144-146\n430-440", "GB HAM\n144-148\n430-440", "137-174\n400-430", "137-174\n400-438", // "DISABLE\nALL", // "UNLOCK\nALL", 禁用全部, 解锁全部, }; const char gSubMenu_BACKLIGHT[][5] =//7 { // "OFF", // "5 sec", // "10 sec", // "20 sec", // "1 min", // "2 min", // "4 min", // "ON" 关闭, 五秒, 十秒, 二十秒, 一分, 两分, 四分, 开启 }; const char gSubMenu_RX_TX[][7] =//6 { // "OFF", // "TX", // "RX", // "TX/RX" 关闭, 发送时, 接收时, 发送接收时 }; #ifdef ENABLE_AM_FIX_TEST1 const char gSubMenu_AM_fix_test1[][8] = { "LNA-S 0", "LNA-S 1", "LNA-S 2", "LNA-S 3" }; #endif const char gSubMenu_BATTYP[][8] = { "1600mAh", "2200mAh" }; const char gSubMenu_SCRAMBLER[][7] = { // "OFF", 关闭, "2600Hz", "2700Hz", "2800Hz", "2900Hz", "3000Hz", "3100Hz", "3200Hz", "3300Hz", "3400Hz", "3500Hz" }; bool gIsInSubMenu; uint8_t gMenuCursor; int UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() { if (gMenuCursor < ARRAY_SIZE(MenuList)) return MenuList[gMenuCursor].menu_id; else return MenuList[ARRAY_SIZE(MenuList) - 1].menu_id; } uint8_t UI_MENU_GetMenuIdx(uint8_t id) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(MenuList); i++) if (MenuList[i].menu_id == id) return i; return 0; } int32_t gSubMenuSelection; // edit box char edit_original[17]; // a copy of the text before editing so that we can easily test for changes/difference char edit[17]; int edit_index; void UI_DisplayMenu(void) { const unsigned int menu_list_width = 6; // max no. of characters on the menu list (left side) const unsigned int menu_item_x1 = (8 * menu_list_width) ;//+ 2; const unsigned int menu_item_x2 = LCD_WIDTH - 1; unsigned int i; char String[128]; // bigger cuz we can now do multi-line in one string (use '\n' char) #ifdef ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING char Contact[16]; #endif // clear the screen buffer memset(gFrameBuffer, 0, sizeof(gFrameBuffer)); #if 1 // original menu layout // invert the current menu list item pixels反转当前菜单项的像素值 : // draw vertical separating dotted line绘制垂直分隔的点线 : // for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) // gFrameBuffer[i][(8 * menu_list_width) + 1] = 0xAA; // draw the little sub-menu triangle marker绘制子菜单三角标志: //const void *BITMAP_CurrentIndicator = BITMAP_MARKER; if (gIsInSubMenu) memmove(gFrameBuffer[2] + 40, BITMAP_MARKER, sizeof(BITMAP_MARKER)); // draw the menu index number/count绘制菜单索引号/总数 : sprintf(String, "%2u/%u", 1 + gMenuCursor, gMenuListCount); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, 2, 0, 6); // UI_ShowChineseMenu(); UI_ShowChineseMenu(); #else { // new menu layout .. experimental & unfinished const int menu_index = gMenuCursor; // current selected menu item i = 1; if (!gIsInSubMenu) { while (i < 2) { // leading menu items - small text const int k = menu_index + i - 2; if (k < 0) UI_PrintStringSmall(MenuList[gMenuListCount + k].name, 0, 0, i); // wrap-a-round else if (k >= 0 && k < (int)gMenuListCount) UI_PrintStringSmall(MenuList[k].name, 0, 0, i); i++; } // current menu item - keep big n fat if (menu_index >= 0 && menu_index < (int)gMenuListCount) UI_PrintStringSmall(MenuList[menu_index].name, 0, 0, 2); i++; while (i < 4) { // trailing menu item - small text const int k = menu_index + i - 2; if (k >= 0 && k < (int)gMenuListCount) UI_PrintStringSmall(MenuList[k].name, 0, 0, 1 + i); else if (k >= (int)gMenuListCount) UI_PrintStringSmall(MenuList[gMenuListCount - k].name, 0, 0, 1 + i); // wrap-a-round i++; } // draw the menu index number/count sprintf(String, "%2u.%u", 1 + gMenuCursor, gMenuListCount); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, 2, 0, 6); } else if (menu_index >= 0 && menu_index < (int)gMenuListCount) { // current menu item strcpy(String, MenuList[menu_index].name); // strcat(String, ":"); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, 0, 0, 0); // UI_PrintStringSmall(String, 0, 0, 0); } } #endif // ************** memset(String, 0, sizeof(String)); bool already_printed = false; switch (UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId()) { case MENU_SQL: sprintf(String, "%d", gSubMenuSelection); break; case MENU_MIC: { // display the mic gain in actual dB rather than just an index number const uint8_t mic = gMicGain_dB2[gSubMenuSelection]; sprintf(String, "+%u.%01udB", mic / 2, mic % 2); } break; #ifdef ENABLE_AUDIO_BAR // case MENU_MIC_BAR: // strcpy(String, gSubMenu_OFF_ON[gSubMenuSelection]); // break; #endif case MENU_STEP: { uint16_t step = gStepFrequencyTable[FREQUENCY_GetStepIdxFromSortedIdx(gSubMenuSelection)]; sprintf(String, "%d.%02ukHz", step / 100, step % 100); break; } // case MENU_TXP: // strncpy(String, gSubMenu_TXP[gSubMenuSelection], sizeof(gSubMenu_TXP[gSubMenuSelection])); // String[sizeof(gSubMenu_TXP[gSubMenuSelection])] = '\0'; // // // break; case MENU_R_DCS: case MENU_T_DCS: if (gSubMenuSelection == 0) //translate #ifdef test strcpy(String, "OFF"); #else strcpy(String, 关闭); #endif else if (gSubMenuSelection < 105) sprintf(String, "D%03oN", DCS_Options[gSubMenuSelection - 1]); else sprintf(String, "D%03oI", DCS_Options[gSubMenuSelection - 105]); break; case MENU_R_CTCS: case MENU_T_CTCS: { if (gSubMenuSelection == 0) // translate #ifdef test strcpy(String, "OFF"); #else //关闭 strcpy(String, 关闭); #endif else sprintf(String, "%u.%uHz", CTCSS_Options[gSubMenuSelection - 1] / 10, CTCSS_Options[gSubMenuSelection - 1] % 10); break; } case MENU_SFT_D: strncpy(String, gSubMenu_SFT_D[gSubMenuSelection] , sizeof( gSubMenu_SFT_D[gSubMenuSelection] )); String[sizeof( gSubMenu_SFT_D[gSubMenuSelection])] = '\0'; break; case MENU_OFFSET: if (!gIsInSubMenu || gInputBoxIndex == 0) { sprintf(String, "%3d.%05u", gSubMenuSelection / 100000, abs(gSubMenuSelection) % 100000); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 2); } else { const char *ascii = INPUTBOX_GetAscii(); sprintf(String, "%.3s.%.3s ", ascii, ascii + 3); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 2); } UI_PrintStringSmall("MHz", menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 4); already_printed = true; break; // case MENU_W_N: // // strcpy(String, gSubMenu_W_N[gSubMenuSelection]); // break; case MENU_SCR: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_SCRAMBLER[gSubMenuSelection]); #if 1 // if (gSubMenuSelection > 0 && gSetting_ScrambleEnable) if (gSubMenuSelection > 0 ) BK4819_EnableScramble(gSubMenuSelection - 1); else BK4819_DisableScramble(); #endif break; case MENU_ABR: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_BACKLIGHT[gSubMenuSelection]); // BACKLIGHT_SetBrightness(-1); break; // case MENU_ABR_MIN: case MENU_ABR_MAX: sprintf(String, "%d", gSubMenuSelection); if (gIsInSubMenu) BACKLIGHT_SetBrightness(gSubMenuSelection); // else // BACKLIGHT_SetBrightness(-1); break; // case MENU_AM: // strcpy(String, gModulationStr[gSubMenuSelection]); // // break; #ifdef ENABLE_AM_FIX_TEST1 case MENU_AM_FIX_TEST1: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_AM_fix_test1[gSubMenuSelection]); // gSetting_AM_fix = gSubMenuSelection; break; #endif case MENU_COMPAND: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_RX_TX[gSubMenuSelection]); break; #ifdef ENABLE_AM_FIX case MENU_AM_FIX: #endif case MENU_BCL: // case MENU_BEEP: // case MENU_S_ADD1: // case MENU_S_ADD2: case MENU_STE: case MENU_D_ST: #ifdef ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING // case MENU_D_DCD: #endif case MENU_D_LIVE_DEC: #ifdef ENABLE_NOAA case MENU_NOAA_S: #endif // case MENU_350TX: // case MENU_200TX: // case MENU_500TX: // case MENU_350EN: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_OFF_ON[gSubMenuSelection]); break; // case MENU_SCREN: // strcpy(String, gSubMenu_OFF_ON[gSubMenuSelection]); // // // break; case MENU_MEM_CH: case MENU_1_CALL: case MENU_DEL_CH: { const bool valid = RADIO_CheckValidChannel(gSubMenuSelection, false, 1); UI_GenerateChannelStringEx(String, valid, gSubMenuSelection); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 2); if (valid && !gAskForConfirmation) { // show the frequency so that the user knows the channels frequency const uint32_t frequency = SETTINGS_FetchChannelFrequency(gSubMenuSelection); sprintf(String, "%u.%05u", frequency / 100000, frequency % 100000); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 5); } already_printed = true; break; } #ifdef ENABLE_MDC1200 // case MENU_MDC_ID: // /// char mdc_id_str[4]; // sprintf(String, "%04X", gEeprom.MDC1200_ID); // %04X确保输出是4个字符长度的十六进制数 // // strcpy(String, id); // break; case MENU_MDC_ID: { // gIsInSubMenu // if (!gIsInSubMenu||(edit_index<0&&gIsInSubMenu)) { // show the channel name // // sprintf(edit, "%04lX", gEeprom.MDC1200_ID); // %04X确保输出是4个字符长度的十六进制数 // sprintf(String, "%04X", gEeprom.MDC1200_ID); // %04X确保输出是4个字符长度的十六进制数 // // edit[0]=String[0]; // edit[1]=String[1]; // edit[2]=String[2]; // edit[3]=String[3]; // // // UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 3);//4 //} // else if(gIsInSubMenu){ // show the channel name being edited // edit_index= edit_index<0?0:edit_index; // memmove(edit_original, edit, sizeof(edit_original)); UI_PrintStringSmall(edit, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 3); if (edit_index < 4) UI_PrintStringSmall("^", menu_item_x1+(((menu_item_x2 - menu_item_x1) - (28)) + 1) / 2 + (7 * edit_index), 0, 4); // show the cursor }else { // sprintf(edit, "%04lX", gEeprom.MDC1200_ID); // %04X确保输出是4个字符长度的十六进制数 sprintf(String, "%04X", gEeprom.MDC1200_ID); // %04X确保输出是4个字符长度的十六进制数 edit[0]=String[0]; edit[1]=String[1]; edit[2]=String[2]; edit[3]=String[3]; UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 3);//4 } already_printed = true; break; } #endif case MENU_MEM_NAME: { const bool valid = RADIO_CheckValidChannel(gSubMenuSelection, false, 1); UI_GenerateChannelStringEx(String, valid, gSubMenuSelection); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 2); if (valid) { const uint32_t frequency = SETTINGS_FetchChannelFrequency(gSubMenuSelection); //bug way if (!gIsInSubMenu || edit_index < 0) { // show the channel name SETTINGS_FetchChannelName(String, gSubMenuSelection); if (String[0] == 0) strcpy(String, "--"); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 3);//4 } else { // show the channel name being edited UI_PrintStringSmall(edit, menu_item_x1, 0, 3); if (edit_index < 10) UI_PrintStringSmall("^", menu_item_x1 + (7 * edit_index), 0, 4); // show the cursor } if (!gAskForConfirmation) { // show the frequency so that the user knows the channels frequency sprintf(String, "%u.%05u", frequency / 100000, frequency % 100000); if (!gIsInSubMenu || edit_index < 0) UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 5); else UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 5); } } already_printed = true; break; } case MENU_SAVE: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_SAVE[gSubMenuSelection]); break; case MENU_TDR: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_RXMode[gSubMenuSelection]); break; case MENU_TOT: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_TOT[gSubMenuSelection]); break; #ifdef ENABLE_VOICE case MENU_VOICE: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_VOICE[gSubMenuSelection]); break; #endif case MENU_SC_REV: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_SC_REV[gSubMenuSelection]); break; case MENU_MDF: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_MDF[gSubMenuSelection]); break; case MENU_RP_STE: if (gSubMenuSelection == 0) //translate #ifdef test strcpy(String, "OFF"); #else //关闭 strcpy(String, 关闭); #endif else sprintf(String, "%d*100ms", gSubMenuSelection); break; case MENU_S_LIST: if (gSubMenuSelection < 2) //translate #ifdef test sprintf(String, "list %u", 1 + gSubMenuSelection); #else //!!列表 sprintf(String, "\x83\x84 %u", 1 + gSubMenuSelection); #endif else #ifdef test strcpy(String, "ALL"); #else //全部 strcpy(String, 全部); #endif break; #ifdef ENABLE_ALARM case MENU_AL_MOD: sprintf(String, gSubMenu_AL_MOD[gSubMenuSelection]); break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING case MENU_ANI_ID: strcpy(String, gEeprom.ANI_DTMF_ID); break; #endif case MENU_UPCODE: strcpy(String, gEeprom.DTMF_UP_CODE); break; case MENU_DWCODE: strcpy(String, gEeprom.DTMF_DOWN_CODE); break; #ifdef ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING case MENU_D_RSP: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_D_RSP[gSubMenuSelection]); break; case MENU_D_HOLD: sprintf(String, "%ds", gSubMenuSelection); break; #endif case MENU_D_PRE: sprintf(String, "%d*10ms", gSubMenuSelection); break; case MENU_PTT_ID: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_PTT_ID[gSubMenuSelection]); break; // case MENU_BAT_TXT: // strcpy(String, gSubMenu_BAT_TXT[gSubMenuSelection]); // // // break; #ifdef ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING case MENU_D_LIST: gIsDtmfContactValid = DTMF_GetContact((int) gSubMenuSelection - 1, Contact); if (!gIsDtmfContactValid) strcpy(String, "NULL"); else memmove(String, Contact, 8); break; #endif // case MENU_PONMSG: // strcpy(String, gSubMenu_OFF_ON[gSubMenuSelection]); // // // break; case MENU_ROGER: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_ROGER[gSubMenuSelection]); break; // case MENU_VOL: // sprintf(String, "%u.%02uV\n%u%%", // gBatteryVoltageAverage / 100, gBatteryVoltageAverage % 100, // BATTERY_VoltsToPercent(gBatteryVoltageAverage)); // break; case MENU_RESET: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_RESET[gSubMenuSelection]); break; case MENU_F_LOCK: // if (!gIsInSubMenu && gUnlockAllTxConfCnt > 0&& gUnlockAllTxConfCnt < 10) // strcpy(String, "READ\nMANUAL"); // // else strcpy(String, gSubMenu_F_LOCK[gSubMenuSelection]); break; #ifdef ENABLE_F_CAL_MENU case MENU_F_CALI: { const uint32_t value = 22656 + gSubMenuSelection; const uint32_t xtal_Hz = (0x4f0000u + value) * 5; writeXtalFreqCal(gSubMenuSelection, false); sprintf(String, "%d\n%u.%06u\nMHz", gSubMenuSelection, xtal_Hz / 1000000, xtal_Hz % 1000000); } break; #endif case MENU_BATCAL: { const uint16_t vol = (uint32_t) gBatteryVoltageAverage * gBatteryCalibration[3] / gSubMenuSelection; sprintf(String, "%u.%02uV\n%u", vol / 100, vol % 100, gSubMenuSelection); break; } case MENU_BATTYP: strcpy(String, gSubMenu_BATTYP[gSubMenuSelection]); break; // case MENU_F1SHRT: // case MENU_F1LONG: // case MENU_F2SHRT: // case MENU_F2LONG: // case MENU_MLONG: // strcpy(String, gSubMenu_SIDEFUNCTIONS[gSubMenuSelection].name); // break; } if (!already_printed) { // we now do multi-line text in a single string unsigned int y; unsigned int lines = 1; unsigned int len = strlen(String); bool small = false; if (len > 0) { // count number of lines for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (String[i] == '\n' && i < (len - 1)) { // found new line char lines+=1; String[i] = 0; // null terminate the line } } if (lines > 3) { // use small text small = true; if (lines > 7) lines = 7; } // center vertically'ish if (small) y = 3 - ((lines + 0) / 2); // untested else y = 2 - ((lines + 0) / 2); // draw the text lines for (i = 0; i < len && lines > 0; lines--) { if (small) UI_PrintStringSmall(String + i, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, y + 1); else UI_PrintStringSmall(String + i, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, y + 1); // look for start of next line while (i < len && String[i] !=0&&String[i] !='\n') i++; // hop over the null term char(s) while (i < len && (String[i] ==0||String[i] =='\n')) i++; y += small ? 1 : 2; } } } if (UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_SLIST1 || UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_SLIST2) { i = (UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_SLIST1) ? 0 : 1; // if (gSubMenuSelection == 0xFF) if (gSubMenuSelection < 0) strcpy(String, "NULL"); else UI_GenerateChannelStringEx(String, true, gSubMenuSelection); // if (gSubMenuSelection == 0xFF || !gEeprom.SCAN_LIST_ENABLED[i]) if (gSubMenuSelection < 0 || !gEeprom.SCAN_LIST_ENABLED[i]) { // channel number UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 2); // channel name SETTINGS_FetchChannelName(String, gSubMenuSelection); if (String[0] == 0) strcpy(String, "--"); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 4); } else { // channel number UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 2); // channel name SETTINGS_FetchChannelName(String, gSubMenuSelection); if (String[0] == 0) strcpy(String, "--"); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 4); if (IS_MR_CHANNEL(gEeprom.SCANLIST_PRIORITY_CH1[i])) { sprintf(String, "PRI1:%u", gEeprom.SCANLIST_PRIORITY_CH1[i] + 1); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 4); } if (IS_MR_CHANNEL(gEeprom.SCANLIST_PRIORITY_CH2[i])) { sprintf(String, "PRI2:%u", gEeprom.SCANLIST_PRIORITY_CH2[i] + 1); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 5); } } } if (UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_MEM_CH || UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_DEL_CH || UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_1_CALL) { // display the channel name char s[11]; SETTINGS_FetchChannelName(s, gSubMenuSelection); if (s[0] == 0) strcpy(s, "--"); UI_PrintStringSmall(s, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 3); } if ((UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_R_CTCS || UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_R_DCS) && gCssBackgroundScan) //扫描 UI_PrintStringSmall(扫描, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 5); if (UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_UPCODE) if (strlen(gEeprom.DTMF_UP_CODE) > 8) UI_PrintStringSmall(gEeprom.DTMF_UP_CODE + 8, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 5); if (UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_DWCODE) if (strlen(gEeprom.DTMF_DOWN_CODE) > 8) UI_PrintStringSmall(gEeprom.DTMF_DOWN_CODE + 8, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 5); #ifdef ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING if (UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_D_LIST && gIsDtmfContactValid) { Contact[11] = 0; memmove(&gDTMF_ID, Contact + 8, 4); sprintf(String, "ID:%s", Contact + 8); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 5); } #endif if (UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_R_CTCS || UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_T_CTCS || UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_R_DCS || UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_T_DCS #ifdef ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING || UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_D_LIST #endif ) { sprintf(String, "%2d", gSubMenuSelection); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, 105, 0, 1);//small } if ((UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_RESET || UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_MEM_CH || UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_MEM_NAME || UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_MDC_ID|| UI_MENU_GetCurrentMenuId() == MENU_DEL_CH) && gAskForConfirmation) { // display confirmation strcpy(String, (gAskForConfirmation == 1) ? "SURE?" : "WAIT!"); UI_PrintStringSmall(String, menu_item_x1, menu_item_x2, 5); gRequestSaveSettings = 1; } // for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { // // Set the 7th and 8th positions to 1, keep others unchanged // gFrameBuffer[1][i] |= (1 << 7)|(1<<6) ; // // } ST7565_BlitFullScreen(); } // void UI_ShowChineseMenu() { // return; uint8_t cnt_char = 0; uint8_t size_menu = 0; uint8_t cnt_menu=0; for ( cnt_menu = 0; cnt_menu < 7 && MenuList[gMenuCursor].name[cnt_menu] != 0; cnt_menu++) { if(is_chn(MenuList[gMenuCursor].name[cnt_menu])!=255)//中文 size_menu+=12; else//英文 size_menu+=7; } cnt_char = 0; if (size_menu < 48)cnt_char = (48 - size_menu ) / 2; menu_set_flag=1; UI_PrintStringSmall(MenuList[gMenuCursor].name, (cnt_char), 0, 0); // // for (uint8_t i = 0; i < cnt_menu; i++) { // uint8_t num_solve=is_chn(MenuList[gMenuCursor].name[i]); // if(num_solve==255)//数字/字母 // { // char tmp[2]={0}; // tmp[0]=MenuList[gMenuCursor].name[i]; // UI_PrintStringSmall((const char *)tmp, (cnt_char), 0, 0); // cnt_char += 7; // } else { // // // UI_PrintChineseChar(num_solve, cnt_char, 0); // // cnt_char += 13; // } // // } }