# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# LambdaConcept ECPIX-5
# http://docs.lambdaconcept.com/ecpix-5/
# Currently there are following board variants:
# ECPIX-5 45F - LFE5UM5G-45F
# ECPIX-5 85F - LFE5UM5G-85F
# This boards have two JTAG interfaces:
# - CN4, micro USB port connected to FT2232HQ chip:
#        ADBUS0 TCK
#        ADBUS1 TDI
#        ADBUS2 TDO
#        ADBUS3 TMS
#        BDBUS0 UART_TXD
#        BDBUS1 UART_RXD
#   This interface should be used with following config:
#        interface/ftdi/lambdaconcept_ecpix-5.cfg
# - CN3, 6 pin connector
# See schematics for more details:
# http://docs.lambdaconcept.com/ecpix-5/_static/resources/SCH_ECPIX-5_R02.PDF
# No reset lines are implemented. So it is not possible to remote reset the FPGA
# by using any of this interfaces

source [find interface/ftdi/lambdaconcept_ecpix-5.cfg]
source [find fpga/lattice_ecp5.cfg]