/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CMSIS-RTOS - RTX *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Name: RT_TIMER.C * Purpose: User timer functions * Rev.: V4.70 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 1999-2009 KEIL, 2009-2017 ARM Germany GmbH. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "rt_TypeDef.h" #include "RTX_Config.h" #include "rt_Timer.h" #include "rt_MemBox.h" #ifndef __CMSIS_RTOS /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Global Variables *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* User Timer list pointer */ struct OS_XTMR os_tmr; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Functions *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------- rt_tmr_tick -----------------------------------*/ void rt_tmr_tick (void) { /* Decrement delta count of timer list head. Timers having the value of */ /* zero are removed from the list and the callback function is called. */ P_TMR p; if (os_tmr.next == NULL) { return; } os_tmr.tcnt--; while ((os_tmr.tcnt == 0U) && ((p = os_tmr.next) != NULL)) { /* Call a user provided function to handle an elapsed timer */ os_tmr_call (p->info); os_tmr.tcnt = p->tcnt; os_tmr.next = p->next; rt_free_box ((U32 *)m_tmr, p); } } /*--------------------------- rt_tmr_create ---------------------------------*/ OS_ID rt_tmr_create (U16 tcnt, U16 info) { /* Create an user timer and put it into the chained timer list using */ /* a timeout count value of "tcnt". User parameter "info" is used as a */ /* parameter for the user provided callback function "os_tmr_call ()". */ P_TMR p_tmr, p; U32 delta,itcnt = tcnt; if ((tcnt == 0U) || (m_tmr == NULL)) { return (NULL); } p_tmr = rt_alloc_box ((U32 *)m_tmr); if (!p_tmr) { return (NULL); } p_tmr->info = info; p = (P_TMR)&os_tmr; delta = p->tcnt; while ((delta < itcnt) && (p->next != NULL)) { p = p->next; delta += p->tcnt; } /* Right place found, insert timer into the list */ p_tmr->next = p->next; p_tmr->tcnt = (U16)(delta - itcnt); p->next = p_tmr; p->tcnt -= p_tmr->tcnt; return (p_tmr); } /*--------------------------- rt_tmr_kill -----------------------------------*/ OS_ID rt_tmr_kill (OS_ID timer) { /* Remove user timer from the chained timer list. */ P_TMR p, p_tmr; p_tmr = (P_TMR)timer; p = (P_TMR)&os_tmr; /* Search timer list for requested timer */ while (p->next != p_tmr) { if (p->next == NULL) { /* Failed, "timer" is not in the timer list */ return (p_tmr); } p = p->next; } /* Timer was found, remove it from the list */ p->next = p_tmr->next; p->tcnt += p_tmr->tcnt; rt_free_box ((U32 *)m_tmr, p_tmr); /* Timer killed */ return (NULL); } #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * end of file *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/