 * @file     ARMCA7.h
 * @brief    CMSIS Cortex-A7 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File 
 * @version  V1.1.0
 * @date     15. May 2019
 * @note
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef __ARMCA7_H__
#define __ARMCA7_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* -------------------------  Interrupt Number Definition  ------------------------ */

/** Device specific Interrupt IDs */
typedef enum IRQn
/******  SGI Interrupts Numbers                 ****************************************/
  SGI0_IRQn            =  0,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 0 */
  SGI1_IRQn            =  1,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 1 */
  SGI2_IRQn            =  2,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 2 */
  SGI3_IRQn            =  3,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 3 */
  SGI4_IRQn            =  4,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 4 */
  SGI5_IRQn            =  5,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 5 */
  SGI6_IRQn            =  6,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 6 */
  SGI7_IRQn            =  7,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 7 */
  SGI8_IRQn            =  8,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 8 */
  SGI9_IRQn            =  9,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 9 */
  SGI10_IRQn           = 10,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 10 */
  SGI11_IRQn           = 11,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 11 */
  SGI12_IRQn           = 12,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 12 */
  SGI13_IRQn           = 13,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 13 */
  SGI14_IRQn           = 14,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 14 */
  SGI15_IRQn           = 15,        /*!< Software Generated Interrupt 15 */

/******  Cortex-A7 Processor Exceptions Numbers ****************************************/
  SecurePhyTimer_IRQn  = 29,        /*!< Physical Timer Interrupt                      */

/******  Platform Exceptions Numbers ***************************************************/
  Watchdog_IRQn        = 32,        /*!< SP805 Interrupt        */
  Timer0_IRQn          = 34,        /*!< SP804 Interrupt        */
  Timer1_IRQn          = 35,        /*!< SP804 Interrupt        */
  RTClock_IRQn         = 36,        /*!< PL031 Interrupt        */
  UART0_IRQn           = 37,        /*!< PL011 Interrupt        */
  UART1_IRQn           = 38,        /*!< PL011 Interrupt        */
  UART2_IRQn           = 39,        /*!< PL011 Interrupt        */
  UART3_IRQn           = 40,        /*!< PL011 Interrupt        */
  MCI0_IRQn            = 41,        /*!< PL180 Interrupt (1st)  */
  MCI1_IRQn            = 42,        /*!< PL180 Interrupt (2nd)  */
  AACI_IRQn            = 43,        /*!< PL041 Interrupt        */
  Keyboard_IRQn        = 44,        /*!< PL050 Interrupt        */
  Mouse_IRQn           = 45,        /*!< PL050 Interrupt        */
  CLCD_IRQn            = 46,        /*!< PL111 Interrupt        */
  Ethernet_IRQn        = 47,        /*!< SMSC_91C111 Interrupt  */
  VFS2_IRQn            = 73,        /*!< VFS2 Interrupt         */
} IRQn_Type;

/*                         Peripheral memory map                              */

/* Peripheral and RAM base address */
#define VE_A7_MP_FLASH_BASE0                  (0x00000000UL)                                /*!< (FLASH0     ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_FLASH_BASE1                  (0x0C000000UL)                                /*!< (FLASH1     ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_SRAM_BASE                    (0x14000000UL)                                /*!< (SRAM       ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS2              (0x18000000UL)                                /*!< (Peripheral ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_VRAM_BASE                    (0x00000000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS2)     /*!< (VRAM       ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_ETHERNET_BASE                (0x02000000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS2)     /*!< (ETHERNET   ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_USB_BASE                     (0x03000000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS2)     /*!< (USB        ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3              (0x1C000000UL)                                /*!< (Peripheral ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_DAP_BASE                     (0x00000000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (LOCAL DAP  ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_SYSTEM_REG_BASE              (0x00010000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (SYSTEM REG ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_SERIAL_BASE                  (0x00030000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (SERIAL     ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_AACI_BASE                    (0x00040000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (AACI       ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_MMCI_BASE                    (0x00050000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (MMCI       ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_KMI0_BASE                    (0x00060000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (KMI0       ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_UART_BASE                    (0x00090000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (UART       ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_WDT_BASE                     (0x000F0000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (WDT        ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_TIMER_BASE                   (0x00110000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (TIMER      ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_DVI_BASE                     (0x00160000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (DVI        ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_RTC_BASE                     (0x00170000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (RTC        ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_UART4_BASE                   (0x001B0000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (UART4      ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_CLCD_BASE                    (0x001F0000UL + VE_A7_MP_PERIPH_BASE_CS3)     /*!< (CLCD       ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_PRIVATE_PERIPH_BASE          (0x2C000000UL)                                /*!< (Peripheral ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_GIC_DISTRIBUTOR_BASE         (0x00001000UL + VE_A7_MP_PRIVATE_PERIPH_BASE) /*!< (GIC DIST   ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_GIC_INTERFACE_BASE           (0x00002000UL + VE_A7_MP_PRIVATE_PERIPH_BASE) /*!< (GIC CPU IF ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_PL310_BASE                   (0x000F0000UL + VE_A7_MP_PRIVATE_PERIPH_BASE) /*!< (L2C-310    ) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_SSRAM_BASE                   (0x2E000000UL)                                /*!< (System SRAM) Base Address */
#define VE_A7_MP_DRAM_BASE                    (0x80000000UL)                                /*!< (DRAM       ) Base Address */

//The VE-A7 model implements L1 cache as architecturally defined, but does not implement L2 cache.
//Do not enable the L2 cache if you are running RTX on a VE-A7 model as it may cause a data abort.
#define L2C_310_BASE                          VE_A7_MP_PL310_BASE

/* --------  Configuration of the Cortex-A7 Processor and Core Peripherals  ------- */
#define __CA_REV        0x0000U    /* Core revision r0p0                            */
#define __CORTEX_A           7U    /* Cortex-A7 Core                                */
#define __FPU_PRESENT        1U    /* FPU present                                   */
#define __GIC_PRESENT        1U    /* GIC present                                   */
#define __TIM_PRESENT        1U    /* TIM present                                   */
#define __L2C_PRESENT        0U    /* L2C present                                   */

#include "core_ca.h"
#include <system_ARMCA7.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  // __ARMCA7_H__