Rules for CMSIS API Function documentation

This document describes how to generate Doxygen-style documentation for middleware "Components".
It explains how the Doxygen documentation under "Reference" is provided in header (*.h), 
text (*.txt), template (*.c), and config files.

Folder structure:
  .\MW\component\Include      *.h files
  .\MW\component\Template     *.c user code templates
  .\MW\component\Config       *.c or *.h config files
  .\MW\Doc\component          *.txt files
  .\MW\Doc\component\images   graphic files used by *.txt files
Files: Middleware components have the following files that are used to generate the API documentation:

  - *.h files: one or more header files which expose data types and functions (the API). Doxygen uses the *.h files 
    that are in .\MW\component\include folder.

  - *.txt files: documentation files that group functions and explain overall the API. Each *.h file should have a *.txt
    file with the same name, i.e. rl_usb.h => rl_usb.txt; a exception is permitted when a template is used to explain 
  API functions.
  - *.c templates: show the usage of some middleware functionality and may be included in the Doxygen documentation.
    *.c templates with '%Instance%' are copied to .\MW\Doc\component and '%Instance%' is replaced with 'n', otherwise
  Doxygen uses the *.c templates in folder .\MW\component\Template. If a template is used in documentation 
  the related *.txt file has the same name as the template, i.e. USBD_User_HID.c => USBD_User_HID.txt.
  - *.c or *.h config files should be self-explaining using <i> tags. config files will not be replicated
    in Doxygen *.txt files, but the high-level usage will be explained. The impact of parameters to middleware
  needs therefore be part of the config files.

Source files (*.c and *.h) should NOT use <TAB> character. Instead of <TAB> <space> characters are used.

API Documentation in .\Include\*.h files


The following snippet shows a sample documentation (correct).  In general functions are grouped and
a short descriptive line is added before a group of functions.  In case that functions are only 
relevant for the documentation (i.e. available in multiple instances), they are included in 
#ifdef __DOXYGEN__  /  #endif sections.

/// \brief Called during \ref USBD_Initialize to initialize the USB Device class.
/// \return     none
extern void USBD_HIDn_Initialize (void);

//  ==== USB Host Human Interface Device Functions ====

/// \brief Get status of the Human Interface Device.
/// \param[in]     index         instance index of HID.
/// \return        true          device is configured and initialized.
/// \return        false         device not ready.
extern bool USBH_HID_GetStatus (uint8_t index);

/// \brief Read data received from Human Interface Device.
/// \param[in]     index         instance index of HID.
/// \param[out]    ptr_data      data to be read.
/// \return        value >= 0    number of bytes read.
/// \return        value -1      communication error.
extern int USBH_HID_Read (uint8_t index, uint8_t *ptr_data);

/// \brief Write data to Human Interface Device.
/// \param[in]     index         instance index of HID.
/// \param[in]     ptr_data      data to be written.
/// \param[in]     data_len      number of data bytes to be written.
/// \return        number of bytes written.
extern int USBH_HID_Write (uint8_t index, uint8_t *ptr_data, uint16_t data_len);

/// \brief Get last error that happened on the Human Interface Device.
/// \param[in]     index         instance index of HID.
/// \return        error code.
extern uint32_t USBH_HID_GetLastError (uint8_t index);

/// \brief Retrieve state change since last call of HID Mouse.
/// \param[in]     index         instance index of HID.
/// \param[out]    button        pointer to variable that receives button state.
/// \param[out]    x             pointer to variable that receives x position change.
/// \param[out]    y             pointer to variable that receives y position change.
/// \param[out]    wheel         pointer to variable that receives wheel change.
/// \return        true          state change since last call.
/// \return        false         no state change since last call.
extern bool USBH_HID_GetMouseData (uint8_t index, uint8_t *button, int8_t *x, int8_t *y, int8_t *wheel);

//  ==== USB Device Human Interface Device Functions ====

#ifdef __DOXYGEN__
// following functions are available for each instance of a HID class.
// generic prefix USBD_HIDn is USBD_HID0 for HID class instance 0.

/// \brief Prepare HID report data to be sent.
/// \param[in]   rtype  Report type
///                - HID_REPORT_INPUT   = Input report requested.
///                - HID_REPORT_FEATURE = Feature report requested.
/// \param[in]   rid  Report ID (0 if only one report exists)
/// \param[out]  buf  Buffer for report data to be sent.
/// \param[in]   req  Request type
///                - USBD_HID_REQ_EP_CTRL       = Control endpoint request.
///                - USBD_HID_REQ_PERIOD_UPDATE = Idle period expiration request.
///                - USBD_HID_REQ_EP_INT        = Previously sent report on interrupt endpoint request.
/// \return      value >= 0  number of data bytes prepared
/// \return      value < 0   error code
int32_t USBD_HIDn_GetReport (uint8_t rtype, uint8_t rid, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t req);


This section contains things that should be NOT DONE:

/// \brief Prepares HID report data to be sent
*** NO '.' to terminate brief documentation.

/// \brief Prepares HID report data to be sent.
*** NO 's' after a verb in brief documentation.

/// \brief Retrieve a state change since last call of the HID Mouse.
*** NO 'a' or 'the' in brief text.

/// \return        true  when state change since last call, false otherwise.
*** Confusing return statement, separate into two lines (looks also better):
/// \return        
///              - true  = when state change since last call
///              - false = otherwise.

/// \return        0        no communication error.
/// \return        - 1      communication error.
*** Confusing, may generate a bullet point, use instead "value" in front of plain numbers, correct is:
/// \return        value 0    no communication error.
/// \return        value -1   communication error.

/// \param[in]   req  Request type:
///                USBD_HID_REQ_EP_CTRL       = Control endpoint request.
///                USBD_HID_REQ_PERIOD_UPDATE = Idle period expiration request.
///                USBD_HID_REQ_EP_INT        = Previously sent report on interrupt endpoint request.
*** Missing '-' in front of parameter details => hard to read in documentation.

/// \param[in]     stat     error status and line states
///                          - bit 6 - bOverRun
///                          - bit 5 - bParity
*** Missing ':' after states and bit numbers, correct is:
/// \param[in]     stat     error status and line states:
///                          - bit 6: bOverRun
///                          - bit 5: bParity

/// \param[in]    ptr_data   pointer to data buffer where information is written.
*** Wrong, should be param[out].
*** Redundant:  a data buffer is always a pointer, better is:
/// \param[out]    ptr_data   data buffer that receives information.

/// \fn bool USBH_HID_GetStatus (uint8_t index);
/// \brief Get status of the Human Interface Device.
/// \param[in]     index         instance index of HID.
/// \return        true          device is configured and initialized.
/// \return        false         device not ready.
extern bool USBH_HID_GetStatus (uint8_t index);
Wrong: \fn not needed

/* USB Host Speed constants                                                   */
enum { 
  USBH_LS  = 0,                         /* Low speed                          */
  USBH_FS,                              /* Full speed                         */
  USBH_HS                               /* High speed                         */
Wrong, should be Doxygen style. Correct is:
/// USB Host Speed constants
enum { 
  USBH_LS  = 0,                         ///< Low speed
  USBH_FS,                              ///< Full speed
  USBH_HS                               ///< High speed

typedef struct {                        ///< Hw Endpoint settings structure
  osThreadId   thread_id;               ///< Thread ID of thread that uses URB
  USBH_URB     urb;                     ///< URB used for endpoint communication} USBH_EP;
Wrong: '/// comment' before 'struct {'
Bad:  repeat of Thread ID and URB does not add value; avoid abbreviations like 'Hw' 

Better is:
/// Hardware Endpoint Settings for communication functions
typedef struct {                        
  osThreadId   thread_id;               ///< thread using USB Request Block (urb)
  USBH_URB     urb;                     ///< USB Request Block for endpoint communication

API Documentation in *.txt files

A *.txt file that relates to a *.h contains:
 - Functional group assignments using \defgroup along with \brief description
 - Under \details an overview description for each functional group (should contain a useful code example)
 - For each function in the header file a detailed description

Text *.txt files that document the user API of a component are located in .\MW\Doc\component.
Only for *.h files that provide user API, there is exactly one text file with the same name.
Defines/Functions that are internally used by a Component have no *.txt file.

  .\MW\component\Include\rl_usb.h    =>   .\MW\Doc\component\rl_usb.txt

The file documents each function that is exposed in *.h header file (and only those functions).
In case that functions are described in other files (i.e. USB Class Templates) there is a reference.

Functional Group assignments uses this syntax:
\defgroup           a group definition 
[\ingroup]          optionally within a group
\brief              brief description of the group

\addtogroup  a group definition

Below \addtogroup the documentation for related functions is provided. This section
ends with @}

Function documentation uses this syntax:
\fn        functionName( args )
[<b>Code Example</b>
\code | \snippet]

See rl_usb.txt for examples
No ';' at the end of the function declaration. Otherwise function description gets ignored.

Comments in doxygen code blocks should be marked with //   and not /* ... */, which leads to errors.
Example:   Wrong:
void ftp_server_notify (uint8_t event) {
  /* Notify the user application about events in FTP server.*/

Example:   correct:
void ftp_server_notify (uint8_t event) {
  // Notify the user application about events in FTP server.

Cross references (between components)

Within a single component (same .dxy configuration) one can easily created cross references.
Known symbol names are automatically assumed as a reference by Doxygen. Pages, sections and
subsections can be referenced using "\ref" notation.

Cross references do not work between different components, though. Doxygen offers the possibility
to import so called tags (symbol and section names) from an another external documentation.
Unfortunately this creates output that crashes the MDK DoxyIndex importer. Hence cross references
needs to be placed manually using <a href="[url]">...</a> notation, for the time being.