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You don't have to modify your buffers but just ensure that the end of buffer + padding is not outside of a memory region.</p> <h1><a class="anchor" id="using"></a> Using the Library</h1> <p>The library is released in source form. It is strongly advised to compile the library using -Ofast to have the best performances.</p> <p>The library functions are declared in the public file <code><a class="el" href="arm__math_8h.html">arm_math.h</a></code> which is placed in the <code>Include</code> folder. Simply include this file. If you don't want to include everything, you can also rely on headers in Include/dsp folder and use only what you need.</p> <h1><a class="anchor" id="example"></a> Examples</h1> <p>The library ships with a number of examples which demonstrate how to use the library functions.</p> <h1><a class="anchor" id="toolchain"></a> Toolchain Support</h1> <p>The library is now tested on Fast Models building with cmake. Core M0, M4, M7, M33, M55, A32 are tested.</p> <h1><a class="anchor" id="preprocessor"></a> Preprocessor Macros</h1> <p>Each library project have different preprocessor macros.</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_BIG_ENDIAN:</li> </ul> <p>Define macro ARM_MATH_BIG_ENDIAN to build the library for big endian targets. By default library builds for little endian targets.</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_MATRIX_CHECK:</li> </ul> <p>Define macro ARM_MATH_MATRIX_CHECK for checking on the input and output sizes of matrices</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_ROUNDING:</li> </ul> <p>Define macro ARM_MATH_ROUNDING for rounding on support functions</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_LOOPUNROLL:</li> </ul> <p>Define macro ARM_MATH_LOOPUNROLL to enable manual loop unrolling in DSP functions</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_NEON:</li> </ul> <p>Define macro ARM_MATH_NEON to enable Neon versions of the DSP functions. It is not enabled by default when Neon is available because performances are dependent on the compiler and target architecture.</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_NEON_EXPERIMENTAL:</li> </ul> <p>Define macro ARM_MATH_NEON_EXPERIMENTAL to enable experimental Neon versions of of some DSP functions. Experimental Neon versions currently do not have better performances than the scalar versions.</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_HELIUM:</li> </ul> <p>It implies the flags ARM_MATH_MVEF and ARM_MATH_MVEI and ARM_MATH_MVE_FLOAT16.</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_HELIUM_EXPERIMENTAL:</li> </ul> <p>Only taken into account when ARM_MATH_MVEF, ARM_MATH_MVEI or ARM_MATH_MVE_FLOAT16 are defined. Enable some vector versions which may have worse performance than scalar depending on the core / compiler configuration.</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_MVEF:</li> </ul> <p>Select Helium versions of the f32 algorithms. It implies ARM_MATH_FLOAT16 and ARM_MATH_MVEI.</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_MVEI:</li> </ul> <p>Select Helium versions of the int and fixed point algorithms.</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_MVE_FLOAT16:</li> </ul> <p>MVE Float16 implementations of some algorithms (Requires MVE extension).</p> <ul> <li>DISABLEFLOAT16:</li> </ul> <p>Disable float16 algorithms when __fp16 is not supported for a specific compiler / core configuration. This is only valid for scalar. When vector architecture is supporting f16 then it can't be disabled.</p> <ul> <li>ARM_MATH_AUTOVECTORIZE:</li> </ul> <p>With Helium or Neon, disable the use of vectorized code with C intrinsics and use pure C instead. The vectorization is then done by the compiler.</p> <hr/> <h1><a class="anchor" id="pack"></a> CMSIS-DSP in ARM::CMSIS Pack</h1> <p>The following files relevant to CMSIS-DSP are present in the <b>ARM::CMSIS</b> Pack directories: </p> <table class="doxtable"> <tr> <th>File/Folder </th><th>Content </th></tr> <tr> <td><b>CMSIS\Documentation\DSP</b> </td><td>This documentation </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>CMSIS\DSP\Examples</b> </td><td>Example projects demonstrating the usage of the library functions </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>CMSIS\DSP\ComputeLibrary</b> </td><td>Small Neon kernels when building on Cortex-A </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>CMSIS\DSP\Include</b> </td><td>include files for using and building the lib </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>CMSIS\DSP\PrivateInclude</b> </td><td>private include files for building the lib </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>CMSIS\DSP\Source</b> </td><td>source files </td></tr> </table> <hr/> <h1><a class="anchor" id="rev"></a> Revision History of CMSIS-DSP</h1> <p>Please refer to <a class="el" href="ChangeLog_pg.html">Revision History</a>. </p> </div></div><!-- contents --> </div><!-- doc-content --> <!-- start footer part --> <div id="nav-path" class="navpath"><!-- id is needed for treeview function! --> <ul> <li class="footer"> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- writeFooter.call(this); //--> </script> </li> </ul> </div> </body> </html>