This file describes the changes of the CMSIS-RTOS API interface for internal use

changes V1.0 -> V1.01

Preparation for C++ class interface
---> const attribute moved to macros (to support C++ interface).
const attribute removed from typedef's (to allow C++ class interface).
osThreadDef_t, osTimerDef_t, osMutexDef_t, osSemaphoreDef_t, osPoolDef_t, osMessageQDef_t, osMailQDef_t.

const added to the osXxxxDef macros:
osThreadDef, osTimerDef, osMutexDef, osSemaphoreDef, osPoolDef, osMessageQDef, osMailQDef

Allow to remove Timer/Mutex/Semaphore objects
Added: osTimerDelete, osMutexDelete, osSemaphoreDelete

Added function that initializes (but does not start) the osKernel
Added: osKernelInitialize
osKernelStart changed to osKernelStart (void)


Version 1.02
  Control functions for short timeouts in microsecond resolution:
  Added: osKernelSysTick, osKernelSysTickFrequency, osKernelSysTick_uSec
  Removed: osSignalGet 

Still open for discussion
Adding Low Power extensions
We have added Low Power extensions to RTX a while ago.

We should look into this solution (os_suspend/os_resume) and add this functionality to CMSIS RTOS by extending the API. Probably  we can use the same two functions (renamed to fit CMSIS RTOS) but we need to check if this fits (for example  os_resume parameter is in system ticks � same as in os_time_get)