The system is: Windows - 10.0.19045 - AMD64 Compiling the C compiler identification source file "CMakeCCompilerId.c" succeeded. Compiler: C:/Qt/Qt5.14.2/Tools/mingw730_64/bin/gcc.exe Build flags: Id flags: The output was: 0 Compilation of the C compiler identification source "CMakeCCompilerId.c" produced "a.exe" The C compiler identification is GNU, found in "C:/Users/RUPC/Desktop/UV-K6/新建文件夹/uv-k5-firmware-chinese/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/3.25.2/CompilerIdC/a.exe" Compiling the CXX compiler identification source file "CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" succeeded. Compiler: C:/Qt/Qt5.14.2/Tools/mingw730_64/bin/g++.exe Build flags: Id flags: The output was: 0 Compilation of the CXX compiler identification source "CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" produced "a.exe" The CXX compiler identification is GNU, found in "C:/Users/RUPC/Desktop/UV-K6/新建文件夹/uv-k5-firmware-chinese/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/3.25.2/CompilerIdCXX/a.exe"