SPRINX0\prochazka c2f41e51da changelog
2024-09-10 09:42:00 +02:00

32 KiB



  • docker - build
  • npm - npm package dbgate-serve
  • app - classic electron app
  • mac - application for macOS
  • linux - application for linux
  • win - application for Windows


  • CHANGED: Improved autoupdate, notification is now in app
  • CHANGED: Default behaviour of autoupdate, new version is downloaded after click of "Download" button
  • ADDED: Ability to configure autoupdate (check only, check+download, don't check)\
  • ADDED: Option to run check for new version manually
  • FIXED: Fixed autoupgrade channel for premium edition
  • FIXED: Fixes following issues: #886, #865, #782, #375


  • FIXED: DbGate now works correctly with Oracle 10g
  • FIXED: Fixed update channel for premium edition


  • FIXED: Broken older plugins #881
  • ADDED: Premium edition - "Start trial" button


  • ADDED: Support for CosmosDB (Premium only)
  • ADDED: Administration UI (Premium only)
  • ADDED: New application icon
  • ADDED: MongoDB type support in data editing
  • ADDED: MongoDB - posibility to remove field
  • ADDED: Oracle - posibility to connect via SID
  • FIXED: Many improvements in MongoDB filtering
  • FIXED: Switch to form and back to table rows missing #343
  • ADDED: Posibility to deactivate MongoDB Profiler #745
  • ADDED: Ability to use Oracle thick driver - neccessary for connecting older Oracle servers #843
  • FIXED: Connection permissions configuration is broken #860
  • ADDED: ssh key file authentication option missing #876
  • ADDED: Ability to reset layout #878
  • FIXED: Script with escaped backslash causes erro #880


  • FIXED: On blank system does not start (window does not appear) #862
  • FIXED: Missing Execute, Export bar #861


  • FIXED: The application Window is not visible when openning after changing monitor configuration. #856
  • FIXED: Multi column filter is broken for Postgresql #855
  • ADDED: Do not display internal timescaledb objects in postgres databases #839
  • FIXED: When in splitview mode and Clicking "Refresh" button on the right side, will refresh the left side, and not the right side #810
  • FIXED: Cannot filter by uuid field in psql #538


  • FIXED: Column sorting on query tab not working #819
  • FIXED: Postgres Connection stays in "Loading database structure" until reloading the page #826
  • FIXED: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length') on Tables #824
  • FIXED: Redshift doesn't show tables when connected #816


  • CHANGED: New Oracle driver, much better Oracle support. Works now also in docker distribution
  • FIXED: Connection to oracle with service name #809
  • ADDED: Connect to redis using a custom username #807
  • FIXED: Unable to open SQL files #797
  • FIXED: MongoDB query without columns #811
  • ADDED: Switch connection for opened file #814


  • FIXED: PostgresSQL doesn't show tables when connected #793 #805
  • FIXED: MongoDB write operations fail #798 #802
  • FIXED: Elecrron app logging losed most of log messages
  • FIXED: Connection error with SSH tunnel
  • ADDED: option to disable autoupgrades (with --disable-auto-upgrade)
  • ADDED: Send error context to github gist


  • FIXED: file menu save and save as not working
  • FIXED: query editor on import/export screen overlaps with selector
  • FIXED: Fixed inconsistencies in max/unmaximize window buttons
  • FIXED: shortcut for select all
  • FIXED: download with auth header
  • CHANGED: Upgraded database drivers for mysql, postgres, sqlite, mssql, mongo, redis
  • CHANGED: Upgraded electron version (now using v30)
  • ADDED: Vim keyboard bindings for editor
  • FIXED: Correctly select the save folder for dump
  • ADDED: enum + set for mysql (#693)
  • FIXED: localStorageGabageCollector not working
  • FIXED: Encoding error when opening Unicode query files
  • ADDED: Add copy/paste to query tab and database list
  • ADDED: Add copy name to table list
  • FIXED: Make TabControl scrollable (#730)
  • ADDED: Add copy to column list
  • FIXED: Problems with SQLite + glibc in docker containers
  • ADDED: Button for discard/reset changes (#759)
  • FIXED: Don't show error dialog when subprocess fails, as DbGate handles this correctly (#751, #746, #542, #272)


  • FIXED: fix body overflow when context menu height great than viewport #592
  • FIXED: Pass signals in entrypoint.sh #596
  • FIXED: Remove missing links to jenasoft #625
  • FIXED: add API headers on upload call #627
  • FIXED: Disabled shell scripting for NPM distribution by default
  • FIXED: Fixed data import from files #633
  • FIXED: Fixed showing GPS positions #575
  • CHANGED: Improved stability of electron client on Windows and Mac (fewer EPIPE errors)


  • FIXED: DbGate creates a lot of .tmp.node files in the temp directory #561
  • FIXED: Typo in datetimeoffset dataType #556
  • FIXED: SQL export is using the wrong hour formatting #537
  • FIXED: Missing toolstrip and adds up to 200% zoom to diagram view #524
  • FIXED: MongoDB password could contain special characters #560


  • ADDED: Split Windows #394
  • FIXED: Postgres index asc/desc #514
  • FIXED: Excel export not working since 5.2.3 #511
  • ADDED: Include macOS specific app icon #494
  • FIXED: Resizing window resets window contents #479
  • FIXED: Solved some minor problems with widget collapsing


  • FIXED: npm version crash (#508)


  • ADDED: Search entire table (multi column filter) #491
  • ADDED: OracleDB - connection to toher than default ports #496
  • CHANGED: OracleDB - status of support set to experimental
  • FIXED: OracleDB database URL - fixes: Connect to default Oracle database #489
  • ADDED: HTML, XML code highlighting for Edit cell value #485
  • FIXED: Intellisense - incorrect alias after ORDER BY clause #484
  • FIXED: Typo in SQL-Generator #481
  • ADDED: Data duplicator #480
  • FIXED: MongoDB - support for views #476
  • FIXED: "SQL:CREATE TABLE" generated SQL default value syntax errors #455
  • FIXED: Crash when right-clicking on tables #452
  • FIXED: View sort #436
  • ADDED: Arm64 version for Windows #473
  • ADDED: Sortable query results and data archive
  • CHANGED: Use transactions for saving table data
  • CHANGED: Save table structure uses transactions
  • ADDED: Table data editing - shows editing mark
  • ADDED: Editing data archive files
  • FIXED: Delete cascade options when using more than 2 tables
  • ADDED: Save to current archive commands
  • ADDED: Current archive mark is on status bar
  • FIXED: Changed package used for parsing JSONL files when browsing - fixes backend freezing
  • FIXED: SSL option for mongodb #504
  • REMOVED: Data sheet editor
  • FIXED: Creating SQLite autoincrement column
  • FIXED: Better error reporting from exports/import/dulicator
  • CHANGED: Optimalizede OracleDB analysing algorithm
  • ADDED: Mutli column filter for perspectives
  • FIXED: Fixed some scenarios using tables from different DBs
  • FIXED: Sessions with long-running queries are not killed


  • FIXED: Optimalized load DB structure for PostgreSQL #451
  • ADDED: Auto-closing query connections after configurable (15 minutes default) no-activity interval #468
  • ADDED: Set application-name connection parameter (for PostgreSQL and MS SQL) for easier identifying of DbGate connections
  • ADDED: Filters supports binary IDs #467
  • FIXED: Ctrl+Tab works (switching tabs) #457
  • FIXED: Format code supports non-standard letters #450
  • ADDED: New logging system, log to file, ability to reduce logging #360 (using https://www.npmjs.com/package/pinomin)
  • FIXED: crash on Windows and Mac after system goes in suspend mode #458
  • ADDED: dbmodel standalone NPM package (https://www.npmjs.com/package/dbmodel) - deploy database via commandline tool


  • FIXED: client_id param in OAuth
  • ADDED: OAuth scope parameter
  • FIXED: login page - password was not sent, when submitting by pressing ENTER
  • FIXED: Used permissions fix
  • FIXED: Export modal - fixed crash when selecting different database


  • ADDED: Oracle database support #380
  • ADDED: OAuth authentification #407
  • ADDED: Active directory (Windows) authentification #261
  • ADDED: Ask database credentials when login to DB
  • ADDED: Login form instead of simple authorization (simple auth is possible with special configuration)
  • FIXED: MongoDB - connection uri regression
  • ADDED: MongoDB server summary tab
  • FIXED: Broken versioned tables in MariaDB #433
  • CHANGED: Improved editor margin #422
  • ADDED: Implemented camel case search in all search boxes
  • ADDED: MonhoDB filter empty array, not empty array
  • ADDED: Maximize button reflects window state
  • ADDED: MongoDB - database profiler
  • CHANGED: Short JSON values are shown directly in grid
  • FIXED: Fixed filtering nested fields in NDJSON viewer
  • CHANGED: Improved fuzzy search after Ctrl+P #246
  • ADDED: MongoDB: Create collection backup
  • ADDED: Single database mode
  • ADDED: Perspective designer supports joins from MongoDB nested documents and arrays
  • FIXED: Perspective designer joins on MongoDB ObjectId fields
  • ADDED: Filtering columns in designer (query designer, diagram designer, perspective designer)
  • FIXED: Clone MongoDB rows without _id attribute #404
  • CHANGED: Improved cell view with GPS latitude, longitude fields
  • ADDED: Ctrl+F5 refreshes data grid also with database structure #428
  • ADDED: Perspective display modes: text, force text #439
  • FIXED: Fixed file filters #445
  • ADDED: Rename, remove connection folder, memoize opened state after app restart #425
  • FIXED: Show SQLServer alter store procedure #435


  • ADDED: Connection folders support #274
  • ADDED: Keyboard shortcut to hide result window and show/hide the side toolbar #406
  • ADDED: Ability to show/hide query results #406
  • FIXED: Double click does not maximize window on MacOS #416
  • FIXED: Some perspective rendering errors
  • FIXED: Connection to MongoDB via database URL info SSH tunnel is used
  • CHANGED: Updated windows code signing certificate
  • ADDED: Query session cleanup (kill query sessions, if browser tab is closed)
  • CHANGED: More strict timeouts to kill database and server connections (reduces resource consumption)


  • ADDED: Support perspectives for MongoDB - MongoDB query designer
  • ADDED: Show JSON content directly in the overview #395
  • CHANGED: OSX Command H shortcut for hiding window #390
  • ADDED: Uppercase Autocomplete Suggestions #389
  • FIXED: Record view left/right arrows cause start record number to be treated as string #388
  • FIXED: MongoDb ObjectId behaviour not consistent in nested objects #387
  • FIXED: demo.dbgate.org - beta version crash 5.1.5-beta.3 #386
  • ADDED: connect via socket - configurable via environment variables #358


  • ADDED: Drop database commands #384
  • ADDED: Customizable Redis key separator #379
  • ADDED: ARM support for docker images
  • ADDED: Version tags for docker images
  • ADDED: Better SQL command splitting and highlighting
  • ADDED: Unsaved marker for SQL files


  • ADDED: Editing multiline cell values #378 #371 #359
  • ADDED: Truncate table #333
  • ADDED: Perspectives - show row count
  • ADDED: Query - error markers in gutter area
  • ADDED: Query - ability to execute query elements from gutter
  • FIXED: Correct error line numbers returned from queries


  • FIXED: MongoDb any export function does not work. #373
  • ADDED: Query Designer short order more flexibility #372
  • ADDED: Form View move between records #370
  • ADDED: Custom SQL conditions in query designer and table filtering #369
  • ADDED: Query Designer filter eq to X or IS NULL #368
  • FIXED: Query designer, open a saved query lost sort order #363
  • ADDED: Query designer reorder columns #362
  • ADDED: connect via socket #358
  • FIXED: Show affected rows after UPDATE/DELETE/INSERT #361
  • ADDED: Perspective cell formatters - JSON, image
  • ADDED: Perspectives - cells without joined data are gray


  • ADDED: Perspective designer
  • FIXED: NULL,NOT NULL filter datatime columns #356
  • FIXED: Recognize computed columns on SQL server #354
  • ADDED: Hotkey for clear filter #352
  • FIXED: Change column type on Postgres #350
  • ADDED: Ability to open qdesign file #349
  • ADDED: Custom editor font size #345
  • ADDED: Ability to open perspective files


  • ADDED: Perspectives (docs: https://dbgate.org/docs/perspectives.html )
  • CHANGED: Upgraded SQLite engine version (driver better-sqlite3: 7.6.2)
  • CHANGED: Upgraded ElectronJS version (from version 13 to version 17)
  • CHANGED: Upgraded all dependencies with current available minor version updates
  • CHANGED: By default, connect on click #332˝
  • CHANGED: Improved keyboard navigation, when editing table data #331
  • ADDED: Option to skip Save changes dialog #329
  • FIXED: Unsigned column doesn't work correctly. #324
  • FIXED: Connect to MS SQL with domain user now works also under Linux and Mac #305


  • FIXED: Fixed problem with SSE events on web version
  • ADDED: Added menu command "New query designer"
  • ADDED: Added menu command "New ER diagram"


  • ADDED: SQL Server - support using domain logins under Linux and Mac #305
  • ADDED: Permissions for connections #318
  • ADDED: Ability to change editor front #308
  • ADDED: Custom expression in query designer #306
  • ADDED: OR conditions in query designer #321
  • ADDED: Ability to configure settings view environment variables #304


  • FIXED: Fixed some problems with SSH tunnel (upgraded SSH client) #315
  • FIXED: Fixed MognoDB executing find query #312
  • ADDED: Interval filters for date/time columns #311
  • ADDED: Ability to clone rows #309
  • ADDED: connecting option Trust server certificate for SQL Server #305
  • ADDED: Autorefresh, reload table every x second #303
  • FIXED(app): Changing editor theme and font size in Editor Themes #300


  • ADDED: Search in columns
  • CHANGED: Upgraded mongodb driver
  • ADDED: Ability to reset view, when data load fails
  • FIXED: Filtering works for complex types (geography, xml under MSSQL)
  • FIXED: Fixed some NPM package problems


  • ADDED: Visualisation geographics objects on map #288
  • ADDED: Support for native SQL as default value inside yaml files #296
  • FIXED: Postgres boolean columns don't filter correctly #298
  • FIXED: Importing dbgate-api as NPM package now works correctly
  • FIXED: Handle error when reading deleted archive


  • CHANGED: Optimalization of loading DB structure for PostgreSQL, MySQL #273
  • CHANGED: Upgraded mysql driver #293
  • CHANGED: Better UX when defining SSH port #291
  • ADDED: Database object menu from tab
  • CHANGED: Ability to close file uploader
  • FIXED: Correct handling of NUL values in update keys
  • CHANGED: Upgraded MS SQL tedious driver
  • ADDED: Change order of pinned tables & databases #227
  • FIXED: #294 Statusbar doesn't match active tab
  • CHANGED: Improved connection worklflow, disconnecting shws confirmations, when it leads to close any tabs
  • ADDED: Configurable object actions #255
  • ADDED: Multiple sort criteria #235
  • ADDED(app): Open JSON file


  • FIXED: Cannot use SSH Tunnel after update #291


  • FIXED(app): Can't Click Sidebar Menu Item #287


  • CHANGED: Connection workflow, connections are opened on tabs instead of modals
  • ADDED: Posibility to connect to DB without saving connection
  • ADDED(mac): Support for SQLite on Mac M1
  • FIXED(mac): Unable to drag window on MacOS #281 #283
  • CHANGED: Renamed dbgate-data directory to .dbgate #248
  • FIXED: Exported SQL has table name undefined #277
  • ADDED: More data types in table create dialogt #285
  • ADDED(app): Open previously saved ERD diagrams #278
  • CHANGED: Better app loading progress UX
  • FIXED: Removed SSL tab on Redis connection (SSL is not supported for Redis)


  • CHANGED: New app icon
  • ADDED: SQL dump, SQL import - also from/to saved queries
  • FIXED(mac): Fixed crash when reopening main window
  • FIXED: MySQL dump now handles correctly dependand views
  • FIXED(app): Browse tabs with Ctrl+Tab
  • ADDED(app): Browse tabs in reverse order with Ctrl+Shift+Tab #245


  • ADDED: MySQL dump/backup database
  • ADDED: Import SQL dump from file or from URL
  • FIXED(mac): Fixed Cmd+C, Cmd+V, Cmd+X - shortcuts for copy/cut/paste #270
  • FIXED(mac): Some minor issues on macOS
  • FIXED: Analysing MS SQL nvarchar(max)
  • ADDED: Support for dockerhost network name under docker #271


  • FIXED(mac): Fixed build for macOS arm64 #259
  • FIXED(mac): Fixed opening SQLite files on macOS #243
  • FIXED(mac): Fixed opening PEM certificates on macOS #206
  • FIXED(mac): Fixed handling Command key on macOS
  • FIXED(mac): Fixed system menu on macOS
  • FIXED(mac): Fixed reopening main window on macOS
  • CHANGED: Shortcut for net query is now Ctrl+T or Command+T on macOS, former it was Ctrl+Q
  • FIXED: Fixed misplaced tab close icon #260
  • ADDED: Added menu command "Tools/Change to recent database"


  • FIXED: filters in query result and NDJSON/archive viewer
  • ADDED: Added select values from query result and NDJSON/archive viewer
  • ADDED: tab navigation in datagrid #254
  • ADDED: Keyboard shortcuts added to help menu #254
  • ADDED: API logging (run enableApiLog() in developers console to enable logging)
  • ADDED: SSH reconnect + moved SSH forward into separate fork #253
  • ADDED: Data type + reference link in column manager
  • FIXED(win,linux,mac): Unable to change theme after installing plugin #244


  • ADDED: implemented missing redis search key logic


  • FIXED: fixed crash after disconnecting from all DBs


  • ADDED: Redis support (support stream type), removed experimental status
  • ADDED: Redis readonly support
  • ADDED: Explicit NDJSON support, when opening NDJSON/JSON lines file, table data are immediately shown, without neccesarity to import
  • ADDED(win,linux,mac): Opening developer tools when crashing without reload app


  • ADDED: Experimental Redis support (full support is planned to version 4.8.0)
  • ADDED: Read-only connections
  • FIXED: MongoDB filters
  • ADDED: MongoDB column value selection
  • ADDED: App related queries
  • ADDED: Fuzzy search #246
  • ADDED(docker, npm): New permissions
  • FIXED(npm): NPM build no longer allocates additonal ports
  • CHANGED(npm): renamed NPM package dbgate => dbgate-serve
  • CHANGED(docker): custom JavaScripts and connections defined in scripts are now prohibited by default, use SHELL_CONNECTION and SHELL_SCRIPTING environment variables for allowing this
  • ADDED(docker, npm): Better documentation of environment variables configuration, https://dbgate.org/docs/env-variables.html
  • ADDED(docker): support for multiple users with different permissions
  • ADDED(docker): logout operation


  • CHANGED: Export menu redesign, quick export menu merged with old export menu
  • REMOVED: Quick export menu
  • ADDED: Export column mapping
  • ADDED: Export invoked from data grid respects columns choosed in column manager
  • ADDED: Quick export (now merged in export menu) is now possible also in web app
  • FIXED: Virtual foreign key editor fixes
  • FIXED: Tabs panel style fix
  • ADDED: Find by schema in databases widget
  • FIXED: Column manager selection fix
  • FIXED: NPM dist - fixed error when loading plugins
  • CHANGED: NPN dist is now executed by dbgate-serve command
  • ADDED: NPM dist accepts .env configuration


  • CHANGED: documentation URL - https://dbgate.org/docs/
  • CHANGED: Close button available for all tab groups - #238
  • ADDED: Search function for the Keyboard Shortcuts overview - #239
  • ADDED: Editor font size settings - #229
  • ADDED: Rename MongoDB collection - #223
  • FIXED: bug in cache subsystem


  • FIXED: Fixed connecting to MS SQL server running in docker container from DbGate running in docker container #236
  • FIXED: Fixed export MongoDB collections into Excel and CSV #240
  • ADDED: Added support for docker volumes to persiste connections, when not using configuration via env variables #232
  • ADDED: DbGate in Docker can run in subdirectory #228
  • FIXED: DbGate in Docker can be proxied with nginx #228
  • FIDED: Theme persists when opening multiple windows #207
  • ADDED: Remember fullscreen state #230
  • ADDED: Improved fullscreen state, title bar with menu is hidden, menu is in hamburger menu, like in web version
  • ADDED: Theme choose dialog (added as tab in settings)
  • FIXED: Fixed crash when clicking on application layers #231


  • CHANGED: Changed main menu style, menu and title bar is in one line (+ability to switch to system menu)
  • REMOVED: Removed main toolbar, use main menu or tab related bottom tool instead
  • ADDED: Added tab related context bottom toolbar
  • ADDED: Main menu is available also in web application, by clicking on hamburger menu
  • ADDED: Added support of SQLite to docker container #219
  • ADDED: Added Debian and Alpine docker distributions (default is Debian)
  • FIXED: Fixed performance problem of data grid, especially when there are cells with large data (eg. JSONs), now it is much faster
  • ADDED: Open JSON and array cell buttons
  • ADDED: Handle JSON in varchar cells
  • ADDED: Scroll tabs on mouse wheel
  • ADDED: Show edit edit MySQL column comments #218 #81
  • ADDED: Handle sparse (mssql), unsigned (mysql), zerofill (mysql) column flags
  • FIXED: Fixed same caching problems (eg. leading to indefinitely loading DB structure sometimes)
  • ADDED: Show estimated table row count for MySQL and MS SQL
  • FIXED: Fixed deleting rows from added rows in table data editor
  • ADDED: Better work with JSON lines file, added JSONL editor with preview


  • FIXED: Fixed Windows build
  • FIXED: Fixed crash, when there is invalid value in browser local storage
  • FIXED: Fixed plugin description display, where author name or description is not correctly filled


  • FIXED: Fixed issues of XML import plugin
  • ADDED: Split columns macro (available in data sheet editor)
  • CHANGED: Accepting non standard plugins names (which doesn't start with dbgate-plugin-)
  • ADDED: Support BLOB values #211
  • ADDED: Picture cell view
  • ADDED: HTML cell view
  • CHANGED: Code completion supports non-default schema names
  • FIXED: More robust MySQL analyser, when connecting to non-standard servers #214
  • FIXED: Fixed configuring connection to SQLite with environment variables #215


  • ADDED: Ability to configure SSH tunnel over environment variables #210 (for docker container)
  • ADDED: XML export and import
  • ADDED: Archive file - show and edit source text file
  • ADDED: Window title shows current tab and database
  • ADDED: DbGate documentation
  • ADDED: Introduced application layers
  • ADDED: Virtual foreign key editor
  • ADDED: Application commands (SQL scripts related to database)
  • ADDED: Theme can be implemented in plugin
  • CHANGED: Dictionary description is stored in app
  • FIXED: Unique and index editor
  • FIXED: Posibility to edit UNIQUE index flag
  • CHANGED: UX improvements of table editor


  • ADDED: ER diagrams #118
    • Generate diagram from table or for database
    • Automatic layout
    • Diagram styles - colors, select columns to display, optional displaying data type or nullability
    • Export diagram to HTML file
  • FIXED: Mac latest build link #204


  • FIXED: MongoId detection
  • FIXED: #203 disabled spellchecker
  • FIXED: Prevented display filters in form view twice
  • FIXED: Query designer fixes


  • ADDED: #220 functions, materialized views and stored procedures in code completion
  • ADDED: Query result in statusbar
  • ADDED: Highlight and execute current query
  • CHANGED: Code completion offers objects only from current query
  • CHANGED: Big optimalizations of electron app - removed embedded web server, removed remote module, updated electron to version 13
  • CHANGED: Removed dependency to electron-store module
  • FIXED: #201 fixed database URL definition, when running from Docvker container
  • FIXED: #192 Docker container stops in 1 second, ability to stop container with Ctrl+C
  • CHANGED: Web app - websocket replaced with SSE technology
  • CHANGED: Changed tab order, tabs are ordered by creation time
  • ADDED: Reorder tabs with drag & drop
  • CHANGED: Collapse left column in datagrid - removed from settings, remember last used state
  • ADDED: Ability to select multiple columns in column manager in datagrid + copy column names
  • ADDED: Show used filters in left datagrid column
  • FIXED: Fixed delete dependency cycle detection (delete didn't work for some tables)


  • FIXED: Database colors
  • CHANGED: Precise work with MongoDB ObjectId
  • FIXED: Run macro works on MongoDB collection data editor
  • ADDED: Type conversion macros
  • CHANGED: Improved UX of import into current database or current archive
  • ADDED: Posibility to create string MongoDB IDs when importing into MongoDB collections
  • CHANGED: Better crash recovery
  • FIXED: Context menu of data editor when using views - some commands didn't work for views
  • ADDED: Widget lists (on left side) now supports add operation, where it has sense
  • CHANGED: Improved UX of saved data sheets
  • ADDED: deploy - preloadedRows: impelemnted onsertOnly columns
  • ADDED: Show change log after app upgrade


  • ADDED: Connection and database colors
  • ADDED: Ability to pin connection or table
  • ADDED: MongoDb: create, drop collection from menu
  • ADDED: Copy as MongoDB insert
  • ADDED: MongoDB support for multiple statements in script (dbgate-query-splitter)
  • ADDED: View JSON in tab
  • ADDED: Open DB model as JSON
  • ADDED: Open JSON array as data sheet
  • ADDED: Open JSON from data grid
  • FIXED: Mongo update command when using string IDs resembling Mongo IDs
  • CHANGED: Imrpoved add JSON document, change JSON document commands
  • ADDED: Possibility to add column to JSON grid view
  • FIXED: Hiding columns #1
  • REMOVED: Copy JSON document menu command (please use Copy advanced instead)
  • CHANGED: Save widget visibility and size


  • ADDED: Open SQL script from SQL confirm
  • CHANGED: Better looking statusbar
  • ADDED: Create table from database popup menu
  • FIXED: Some fixes for DB compare+deploy (eg. #196)
  • ADDED: Archives + DB models from external directories
  • ADDED: DB deploy supports preloaded data
  • ADDED: Support for Command key on Mac (#199)


  • FIXED: #188 Fixed problem with datetime values in PostgreSQL and mysql
  • ADDED: #194 Close tabs by DB
  • FIXED: Improved form view width calculations
  • CHANGED: Form view - highlight matched columns instead of filtering
  • ADDED: Lookup distinct values
  • ADDED: Copy advanced command, Copy as CSV, JSON, YAML, SQL
  • CHANGED: Hide column manager by default
  • ADDED: Change database status command
  • CHANGED: Table structure and view structure tabs have different icons
  • ADDED: #186 - zoom setting
  • ADDED: Row count information moved into status bar, when only one grid on tab is used (typical case)


  • ADDED: Database structure compare, export report to HTML
  • ADDED: Experimental: Deploy DB structure changes between databases
  • ADDED: Lookup dialog, available in table view on columns with foreign key
  • ADDED: Customize foreign key lookups
  • ADDED: Chart improvements, export charts as HTML page
  • ADDED: Experimental: work with DB model, deploy model, compare model with real DB
  • ADDED: #193 new SQLite db command
  • CHANGED: #190 code completion improvements
  • ADDED: #189 Copy JSON document - context menu command in data grid for MongoDB
  • ADDED: #191 Connection to POstgreSQL can be defined also with connection string
  • ADDED: #187 dbgate-query-splitter: Transform stream support
  • CHANGED: Upgraded to node 12 in docker app
  • FIXED: Upgraded to node 12 in docker app
  • FIXED: Fixed import into SQLite and PostgreSQL databases, added integration test for this


  • FIXED: Delete row with binary ID in MySQL (#182)
  • ADDED: Using 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server' or 'SQL Server Native Client 11.0', when connecting to MS SQL using windows auth #183


  • ADDED: Generate SQL from data (#176 - Copy row as INSERT/UPDATE statement)
  • ADDED: Datagrid keyboard column operations (Ctrl+F - find column, Ctrl+H - hide column) #180
  • FIXED: Make window remember that it was maximized
  • FIXED: Fixed lost focus after copy to clipboard and after inserting SQL join


  • FIXED: Sorted database list in PostgreSQL (#178)
  • FIXED: Loading stricture of PostgreSQL database, when it contains indexes on expressions (#175)
  • ADDED: Hotkey Shift+Alt+F for formatting SQL code


  • FIXED: #173 Using key phrase for SSH key file connection
  • ADDED: #172 Abiloity to quick search within database names
  • ADDED: Database search added to command palette (Ctrl+P)
  • FIXED: #171 fixed PostgreSQL analyser for older versions than 9.3 (matviews don't exist)
  • ADDED: DELETE cascade option - ability to delete all referenced rows, when deleting rows


  • ADDED: Table structure editor
  • ADDED: Index support
  • ADDED: Unique constraint support
  • ADDED: Context menu for drop/rename table/columns and for drop view/procedure/function
  • ADDED: Added support for Windows arm64 platform
  • FIXED: Search by _id in MongoDB


  • FIXED: Fixed MongoDB import
  • ADDED: Configurable thousands separator #136
  • ADDED: Using case insensitive text search in postgres


  • FIXED: Fixed crash when using large model on some installations
  • FIXED: Postgre SQL CREATE function
  • FIXED: Analysing of MySQL when modifyDate is not known


  • ADDED: Query history
  • ADDED: One-click exports in desktop app
  • ADDED: JSON array export
  • FIXED: Procedures in PostgreSQL #122
  • ADDED: Support of materialized views for PostgreSQL #123
  • ADDED: Integration tests
  • FIXED: Fixes in DB structure analysis in PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL
  • FIXED: Save data in SQLite, PostgreSQL
  • CHANGED: Introduced package dbgate-query-splitter, instead of sql-query-identifier and @verycrazydog/mysql-parse


  • ADDED: ARM builds for MacOS and Linux
  • ADDED: Filter by columns in form view


  • CHANGED: Further startup optimalization (approx. 2 times quicker start of electron app)


  • FIXED: Fixed+optimalized app startup (esp. on Windows)


  • ADDED: Support of SQLite database
  • ADDED: Support of Amazon Redshift database
  • ADDED: Support of CockcroachDB
  • CHANGED: DB Model is not auto-refreshed by default, refresh could be invoked from statusbar
  • FIXED: Fixed race conditions on startup
  • FIXED: Fixed broken style in data grid under strange circumstances
  • ADDED: Configure connections with commandline arguments #108
  • CHANGED: Optimalized algorithm of incremental DB model updates
  • CHANGED: Loading queries from PostgreSQL doesn't need cursors, using streamed query instead
  • ADDED: Disconnect command
  • ADDED: Query executed on server has tab marker (formerly it had only "No DB" marker)
  • ADDED: Horizontal scroll using shift+mouse wheel #113
  • ADDED: Cosmetic improvements of MariaDB support


  • FIX: Fixed crash of API process when using SSH tunnel connection (race condition)


  • FIX: fixed processing postgre query containing
  • FIX: fixed postgre analysing procedures & functions
  • FIX: patched svelte crash #105
  • ADDED: ability to disbale background DB model updates
  • ADDED: Duplicate connection
  • ADDED: Duplicate tab
  • FIX: SSH tunnel connection using keyfile auth #106
  • FIX: All tables button fix in export #109
  • CHANGED: Add to favorites moved from toolbar to tab context menu
  • CHANGED: Toolbar design - current tab related commands are delimited


  • ADDED: Default database option in connectin settings #96 #92
  • FIX: Bundle size optimalization for Windows #97
  • FIX: Popup menu placement on smaller displays #94
  • ADDED: Browse table data with SQL Server 2008 #93
  • FIX: Prevented malicious origins / DNS rebinding #91
  • ADDED: Handle JSON fields in data editor (eg. jsonb field in Postgres) #90
  • FIX: Fixed crash on Windows with Hyper-V #86
  • ADDED: Show database server version in status bar
  • ADDED: Show detailed info about error, when connect to database fails
  • ADDED: Portable ZIP distribution for Windows #84


  • FIX: Incorrect row count info in query result #83


  • CHANGED: Default plugins are now part of installation


  • ADDED: MongoDB support
  • ADDED: Configurable keyboard shortcuts
  • ADDED: JSON row cell data view
  • FIX: Fixed some problems from migration to Svelte


  • FIX: fixes for FireFox (mainly incorrent handle of bind:clientHeight, replaces with resizeobserver)


  • FIX: fixed docker and NPM build


  • CHANGED: Excahnged React with Svelte. Changed theme colors. Huge speed and memory optimalization
  • ADDED: Command palette (F1). Introduced commands, extended some context menus
  • ADDED: New keyboard shortcuts
  • ADDED: Switch to recent database feature
  • ADDED: Macros from free table editor are available also in table data editor
  • CHANGED: Cell data preview is now in left widgets panel
  • CHANGED: Toolbar refactor
  • FIX: Solved reconnecting expired connection


  • ADDED: Connect using SSH Tunnel
  • ADDED: Connect using SSL
  • ADDED: Database connection dialog redesigned
  • ADDED: #63 Ctrl+Enter runs query
  • ADDED: Published dbgate NPM package
  • ADDED: SQL editor context menu
  • FIX: #62 - import, export executed from SNAP installs didn't work


  • Start point of changelog