Kévin Dunglas 70110dcc77 ci: Docker images for various PHP versions
Also adds semver support.
2023-07-17 10:18:33 +02:00

3.9 KiB


Compiling PHP

With Docker (Linux)

Build the dev Docker image:

docker build -t frankenphp-dev -f dev.Dockerfile .
docker run --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -p 8080:8080 -p 443:443 -v $PWD:/go/src/app -it frankenphp-dev

The image contains the usual development tools (Go, GDB, Valgrind, Neovim...).

Without Docker (Linux and macOS)

Follow the instructions to compile from sources and pass the --debug configuration flag.

Running the test suite

go test -race -v ./...

Caddy module

Build Caddy with the FrankenPHP Caddy module:

cd caddy/frankenphp/
go build
cd ../../

Run the Caddy with the FrankenPHP Caddy module:

cd testdata/
../caddy/frankenphp/frankenphp run

The server is listening on

curl -vk https://localhost/phpinfo.php

Minimal test server

Build the minimal test server:

cd internal/testserver/
go build
cd ../../

Run the test server:

cd testdata/

The server is listening on

curl -v

Building Docker Images Locally

Print bake plan:

docker buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl --print

Build FrankenPHP images for amd64 locally:

docker buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl --pull --load --set "*.platform=linux/amd64"

Build FrankenPHP images for arm64 locally:

docker buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl --pull --load --set "*.platform=linux/arm64"

Build FrankenPHP images from scratch for arm64 & amd64 and push to Docker Hub:

docker buildx bake -f docker-bake.hcl --pull --no-cache --push

Debugging Segmentation Faults in GitHub Actions

  1. Open .github/workflows/tests.yml
  2. Enable PHP debug symbols
        - uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
          # ...
            phpts: ts
    +       debug: true
  3. Enable tmate to connect to the container
        - name: Set include flags
          run: echo "CGO_CFLAGS=$(php-config --includes)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
    +   - run: |
            sudo apt install gdb
    +       mkdir -p /home/runner/.config/gdb/
    +       printf "set auto-load safe-path /\nhandle SIG34 nostop noprint pass" > /home/runner/.config/gdb/gdbinit
    +   - uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
    +     env:
    +       GOFLAGS: "-w -gcflags=all=-N -gcflags=all=-l"
  4. Open frankenphp.go
  5. Enable cgosymbolizer
    -	//_ ""
    +	_ ""
  6. Download the module: go get
  7. In the container, you can use GDB and the like:
    sudo apt install gdb
    mkdir -p /home/runner/.config/gdb/
    go test -c -ldflags=-w
    gdb --args ./frankenphp.test ^MyTest$
  8. When the bug is fixed, revert all these changes

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