* refactor: column meta
* fix: retrieving group points for grouping grid by jsonb DB field type
* chore: supplement i18n for the form view
* perf: optimize the drag-and-drop of fields in the form view
* perf: long text editor supports adaptive height
* fix: crash when clicking cells with no options in single/multiple select field
* fix: date field cannot pasting
* fix: align colors of filter/sort/group in shared views with the grid
* fix: hidden fields should be displayed in the formula editor
* fix: unable to drag rows to the end in grid view
* fix: rendering issues of select and date fields at grid boundaries
* perf: optimize --input variable colors for clarity
* fix: group points supplement the current user's filters
* perf: display the link record list in a grid within the expand record
* fix: the issue related to grouping collapse
* fix: incorrect display of append row when no permissions
* fix: incorrect display of append row when no permissions
* fix: unable to update in real-time after filtering
* fix: unable to update in real-time after filtering
* fix: multiple cellValue cannot be aggregation under certain conditions
* fix: aggregation change no response
Co-authored-by: pengap <penganpingprivte@gmail.com>
* feat: limit access token permission in scopes
* fix: space order
* fix: personal access token manange ui
* fix: uploading attachment width and height
* feat: permision guard set as global guard
* fix: typecheck
* fix: remove unexpected row prefilling
* fix: setting panel style
* perf: more contrasting color values
* feat: support color highlighting for filtering, sorting and grouping
* perf: expand record to fill when adding record in the select records to link panel
* fix: row count not updating on view condition changed
* feat: prefilling on row addition in filtered/sorted grid to avoid record displacement
* feat: support for prefilling in quickly adding and inserting rows during filtering or sorting
* chore: update i18n
* fix: collapsing group headers when grouping by User or Link fields
* chore: update icons
* perf: add identification to the primary column of the grid
* chore: style
* chore: eslint fix
* chore: eslint
* feat: add isPending status for field calculation
* feat: optmize static field convert
* refactor: change nodeId to tableId
* feat: add design table page
* feat: better ui for table design
* refactor: view api
* refactor: table api
* fix: test fail
* refactor: using events to maintain the attachment table
* fix: share page auth
* fix: in the read-only expansion card, click the associated card to block the click event
* refactor: sort query
* style: lint fix
* fix: user field aggregation `unique` func
* fix: field value to db value `null`
* style: lint
* chore: update `pnpm-lock.yaml`
Co-authored-by: pengap <penganpingprivte@gmail.com>
* fix: reduce redundant requests for fetching group points
* fix: the issue of group and sort priority & add E2E tests for grouping
* fix: compatibility with using PostgreSQL, the erroneous group points retrieval for JSON types
* fix: incorrect display position for cell collaboration information
* perf: limit the number of request group point results to prevent server crashes
* fix: the style issues of the group header in grouping
* perf: more stable storage of group collapse information
* fix: edits in text cells are discarded when clicking outside the grid
* perf: setting panel style
* perf: record/field menu style in the grid
* fix: the record menu cannot be activated when the cell selection is in reverse order
* chore: add the limitation of group points to the threshold configuration
* fix: accommodate the case where the divisor is 0 or null in formula calculations